Saturday 9 December 2017

Christmas Corrie spoiler: What is Carla’s secret?

The previews are in for the big Christmas week on Coronation Street and Christmas spirit is lacking at the Connors.

Aidan is annoyed when Carla drives onto the street and says she is here to surprise the family but makes it clear she hasn’t changed her mind about the factory. Seeing her and Johnny splashing the cash around infuriates Aidan as neither of them will use their money to save the factory.

But when Johnny tells Carla that Aidan stands a good chance of  making a go of the factory she takes her brother to one side, has she had a change of heart?

And why is she refusing to toast the festive season with alcohol. Is Carla hiding something?  Will Roy be the one she confides in when he asks her to move in with him?

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