Sunday 3 December 2017

Big, Bad Plothole

Weatherfield's Finest has never been known as having investigating officers that rival the legendary Inspector Columbo in nailing the guilty party by tracking down the finer details of a case. They're missing something now in the investigation regarding Anna allegedly pushing Seb off his ladder. Rosie Webster is the key.

The case seems to be anchored on Phelan's lie that he saw Anna go into the solicitor's office where her earring was later found. Viewers know he was the one that placed it there the evening after Seb fell. But Rosie was in the office late, using the internet connection to stream one of her favourite television shows. Did Phelan back off the minute he realized she was there and would be able to report his presence? No, he did not, which is odd. Rosie might be daft as a brush but she'll remember he was there at some point.

The police found the earring in the vaccuum cleaner and as far as they're concerned, Anna was in the office and pushed Seb off the ladder via one of the windows. They must have questioned Todd, Adam and Rosie as to whether they saw Anna there. I'll concede that it's possible that both of the men were out of the office on business-related things but that would leave Rosie. She'd know Anna didn't come in and if she was out of the office, too, wouldn't she have LOCKED UP? If the accident happened after business hours, the door would also then BE LOCKED. Anna would have had no way in.

The Weatherfield Police always seem to go with the flow and accept the most obvious solution regardless of reasonable doubt. If Rosie mentions Phelan's presence after the accident, that could certainly cast a shadow of that doubt. If nobody was in the office and the door was left unlocked, Anna could have got in but so could absolutely anyone else and we know nothing of the sort even happened. Seb was distracted, the ladder wobbled and down he went.

Surely they wouldn't have written the scene with Phelan and Rosie if they weren't going to use it later. That's not how soaps work. I can hardly wait for Sally's crowing about her daughter being the one to bring down a murderer after mentioning the detail that cast doubt on Anna's case, putting her own safety in jeopardy.

Why yes, I do overthink these things.

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  1. Rosie wasn't supposed to be in the office, if I remember right. Didn't she ask Phelan not to say anything because she was only there to watch something on the internet? Otherwise she would have possibly asked him in the pub whether he'd found what he wanted or mentioned to Todd that he had been in. This may be the start of Phelan's undoing when Rosie is hopefully brought as a witness to Anna's trial. So far she's kept quiet because she doesn't understand the significance of the earring. It's a bit contrived, though, as she's hardly been put on a final warning by Todd and Adam.

  2. The whole plotline reeks to high heaven. Stop it already!

  3. Even so, if Anna had come in during the day, Rosie *should* have seen her and if Rosie and the men were out of the office, it would have been locked. Also, it wasn't very prudent of her to be in the office late at night without the front entrance being locked, allowing Phelan to walk right in. No CCTV?

  4. It’s even more incredible when we consider that Anna couldn’t have known Seb was about to clean the Solicitor’s Office windows, so could not have installed herself on there to lie in wait - surely the police can’t believe she saw him in situ up the ladder, slipped beneath him unseen, to make her way up the stairs into an office she had no reason to believe would be unoccupied, past a reception that would surely (as Tvor says) not be unmanned. Anna claimed she has never been in there before in her life - Todd & Adam can confirm that they’ve never had professional dealings with her. Therefore, she’s ignorant of the layout of the offices, and who occupies the one with the front window. Would it be occupied? Locked? She would have had no idea. None of it makes sense, either as a premeditated crime or a crime of opportunity.

    1. If you're going to accuse a woman of having the strength to shove a ladder aside shouldn't you make sure she's steady on her feet? I see Anna walking around since her severe burns and grafts but being able to use her legs to brace herself as she pushed a heavy load is another matter. I haven't seen her do any physiotherapy or exercise that would make that likely.Wouldn't the police have recreated the scene to make sure their theory made sense before arresting a citizen?

  5. Also, Anna would have had to open the window that Seb was cleaning, leaving finger prints all over the fastener.

    For all the reasons stated, this whole scenario is ridiculous and analysing it is way more enjoyable!

  6. The office was locked. Phelan told Rosie that he borrowed the keys from Todd (his wife's son).

  7. Also if she was at the window, how did she get next to Seb in the street. She was there quite fast. Fun write up Tvor, I agree this is more fun than the actual program.
