Friday 3 November 2017

State of the Street - October 2017

Time for a rundown of some of the top stories of the month and a few opinions thrown in for good measure. While it was a pretty dark month overall, there were a few things that made me smile including seeing how happy Gina was after a bit of rumpy pumpy with Dev.

October started off with Nathan's trial. Great stuff there, good performances all around. Even though we all knew he'd be found guilty, it was still interesting to see how he tried to play the jury, twisting everything and making himself look the victim! Bethany was brave and stuck to her story and all the other evidence stacked up and convicted him.

Rita's health was a worry but it all turned out ok in the end. It served to remind us just how good Barbara Knox is when they give her something more to do than sell sweets and roll her eyes at Norris. The odious Colin is still lurking around like a bad smell. Has the sale of the Kabin and Rita's flat gone through? Could a tumour be enough of a reason that would allow her to break a contract? She certainly wasn't in her right mind.

Things got very dark for Phelan and he's crossed the line from psychopath to murderer. He's now on the slippery slope to either death or prison and it's expected he will cause a bit more destruction on the way down. I've been enjoying this storyline immensely, due to the capable hands of Connor McIntyre in particular.

Billy and Todd had their hands full with Summer. Sally's campaign for Mayor was far too low key and a bit unbelievable in that there were no other qualified or ambitious candidates running against a semi-experienced ex-councillor and a man dressed up as a bee. It shows the level of intelligence of the voters when the bee nearly won. I didn't find it credible in the least other than Kirk finally realizing that he'd be terrible at the job and didn't really want it anyway.

All these and more are discussed in further detail over at State of the Street.

Tvor (Twitter @tvordlj)

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1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed how Sally set up the story with Kirk about Gina having the hots for him, without telling Gina. It played out simply and reminded me what show I was actually watching ie, amongst all the doom and gloom.
