Friday 13 October 2017

Spot the Corrie prop - October 13th 2017

Congratulations this week go to one of our anonymous contributors who was the only person to correctly spot that last week's selection of toys can be found in the medical centre. Well done!

I've seen this week's prop in the background a few times and have wondered for a while what it actually is but with the power of google, I now know. So, for this week's prop poser all you have to do is tell us whereabouts on the Coronation Street set you would find this kitchen ninja knife block. 

And here's a clearer picture of the product itself.

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  1. I think this at the flat Alya, Luke and Kate share.

  2. Todd and Billy's?

  3. Beth, Kirk's et al.

  4. Christine in Canada13 October 2017 at 16:13

    I am not sure....but where can i find one to buy????

  5. @ Christine in Canada

    pricey though

  6. This is in Eva's flat. I've seen it and wondered why it was there... I assume it was Simon's when he lived there with Leanne and they never got rid.
