Tuesday 17 October 2017

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, Oct 23-27

Without any piffle, here are the storylines for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Monday 23 October to Friday 27 October 2017

Seb falls off his ladder - will he die? Phelan takes a second hostage - but who? Steve goes on a double date with Moira, Aidan and Alya pair up, Craig gets a new police mentor.

See the full week's preview with lots of pictures at Corrie.net

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  1. Where's Emily?? Doesn't matter anymore17 October 2017 at 13:59

    Corrie has become the Pat Phelan program as of late. I wonder if the writers ever read any of the comments from the fans. I highly doubt it as they keep making the same blunders. Doom and destruction...sex...and that's about it for the street in 2017.
    The comedy is stilted and feels forced..the opportunities for great writing are there.
    Kate Oates had been handed a bloody mess by Stuart Blackburn and has proceeded to carry on the tradition of destroying a favourite of many.
    Sad to say....Coronation Street has become truly awful. I, a viewer for many years have thrown in the towel..Might check back in a couple of months but doubt much will change. Tarrah chuck/

  2. Agree with Where's Emily poster. Stopped caring what happens to any of them as everything is over the top all the time. Also tuning out months ago after many years of loyal watching. I keep reading this blog whenever I need a fix, it saves time, thanks.

  3. How funny. I am loving Corrie at the moment. (Especially now the awful Will the stalker storyline is over.) Pat Phelan is a deliciously wicked Corrie villain. Yes, it’s all OTT and I have to suspend disbelief most of the time, but I’m going to miss PP when he finally gets his comeuppance. So I for one am not willing the end of this plot line just yet.

  4. I'm liking most of it as well. Very glad Will the sad stalker is over, that was dreadful but there's always one or two storylines that clunk for me. Phelan's reign isn't one of those, i've been enjoying it all along. Glad the hostage situation is going to change, though because it was dragging on a bit. Looking forward to the next bit.

    1. Will who? I'd totally forgotten about him already. I had to think about who people were talking about when they mentioned him. Says a lot about the storyline really

    2. I'm the same but it's worse because I kept forgetting there was a Will even during the storyline. Glad that's over with.

  5. How many other people have fallen off a ladder or roof?? Supposed to be some life threatening injury and then they are up and recovered in the blink of an eye.

  6. Not to be callous but you'd have to have terrible luck to be killed or even paralyzed by a 10 foot fall. Seb is just cleaning windows on Coronation which has pretty low buildings. Remember that even when Tina fell backwards off a balcony, she would have recovered if Rob hadn't bludgeoned her.
