Wednesday 18 October 2017

Seb dead? Andy free? Steve and Moira? Plus more Corrie spoilers

Here's our pick of next week's stories in Coronation Street!

Seb falls off a ladder when he's cleaning windows. He smashes to the cobbles. So why are Anna and Phelan involved? Find out more here.

Aidan and Alya decide to pair up, but what'll happen when Aidan puckers up and moves in for a kiss?  Find out more here.

Phelan takes another hostage - but who? And will he really let Andy go free? Find out more here.

Elsewhere, Steve goes on a double date with Moira...

... and Nicola demands answers from Lydia.

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  1. "Seb dead?" How could Seb die, when we know he's going to be featured in a storyline about HIV? Posthumously?

  2. Seb will contract HIV? Why didn't the writers just go with the usual pregnancy after unprotected sex story we are all so used to?

  3. I assume they'll discover he's HIV whilst in hospital following the fall.

  4. Emily's Never Coming Back is She???20 October 2017 at 20:39

    Good heavens...does everyone have to die? ***gasp***

    Lame writing, jumping all over the place.

    It is becoming increasingly hard to long between storylines that I forget what's been happening last in their lives.
    I have been enjoying the Phelan Show though...I'll be sad to see his character go, but before he does...He could *off* a couple more characters before he goes.
    1.Sinead, such a drip. Can't stand her indecision about Daniel/Chesney
    2.Mary's family...
    3. Shona,Alya,Kate....boring

    And finlly...Gary will be Phelan's next hostage...won't be Daniel, too many people would miss him. Gary goes in the basement, Phelan calls and says he's been killed in the Ukraine. Just a thought.

    Oh right...when Carla comes back, will she be bringing her secret just found thirteen year old daughter? Didn't know she had a daughter. Hell, if it can happen to Phelan why not Carla?
    Just kidding...but it could happen.

    ..and Emily is set to it for Rita's funeral? After all Emily Derbyshire is 87, maybe she'll pass on while in Peru...could believe that before believing that Katy died offscreen.....*yawn*
