Thursday 5 October 2017

Remembering Susan Barlow in Coronation Street

There's a tabloid rumour that Billy Mayhew is going to be exposed as the person who killed Susan Barlow. You can read all the details here.

It's such a bizarre set up for a storyline that it may well be true. ITV have neither confirmed nor denied the tabloid rumour from The Sun, so it may come to nothing.

But the mention of an old character from times past prompts us to remember who Susan Barlow was.

And so, with help from Corriepedia, here we go...

Susan was the daughter of Ken and Valerie Barlow, twin sister of Peter, wife of Mike Baldwin and mother of Adam Barlow.

Susan started a relationship with Mike Baldwin much to Ken's disapproval and hatred of Mike.

She married Mike but they separated when Mike pressured Susan into having a baby, even though she wanted to put her career first. She told Mike she'd had an abortion - but she returned to Scotland and gave birth to the baby - Adam Barlow.

When Mike found out about Adam he demanded custody. Susan left Glasgow with the intention of going where Mike couldn't find her, but she was killed in a car crash on the journey. Adam survived.

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