Tuesday 10 October 2017

Katie McGlynn interview: Daniel or Chesney for Sinead?

Is there still a spark between Daniel and Sinead?

There is always going to be a spark between them because of the way that they split up; it was very abrupt because of what he did to his dad. She still loves him and he still loves her.

What are first thoughts when she gets that call that Chesney has collapsed at work?

She feels very guilty and really worried. Instantly she feels like she needs to get to him to make sure he is all right. She takes Chesney very seriously but she is feeling a lot of pressure as well. She has felt trapped with him but as soon as she gets the phone call she thinks she needs to get her head out of the sand and look after him.

At this point, who does Sinead truly love?

She will always hold a candle to Daniel but she is trying to make a go at it with Chesney. She cares about Chesney and she likes being with him but it’s the pressure of his anxieties. She is feeling the pressure not to let him down again because of what happened last time and she is scared that if she does, what is he going to do.

When Izzy gets the news from Portugal, what’s her initial thoughts?

She is not thinking about herself at that time, she is just in awe of Chesney, how determined he is. She takes a step back and sees Chesney in a completely new light. She sees him as a man, he’s got a fire in his belly and he is so courageous because he is really poorly but he is passionate about something.

What is it that makes her make her final decision about Chesney?

Because he is really courageous, he takes responsibility and because he has a good heart. It dawns on her, ‘what have I been doing?’ She thinks she should be with him because he loves her, she loves him, if they stay together they are going to be together forever. It may be a safe option but she still has that love for him because she’s been with him a while.

In your opinion, who do you think she should be with?

Daniel is more of a gamble but due to her age and because she is such a kooky character, I think she should be with Daniel! Chesney is too old and set in his ways to be with Sinead.

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1 comment:

  1. Just waiting for the wrath of Humpty Dumpty to be incurred! :-)
