Friday 6 October 2017

Coronation Street Episode Review; October 4th 7.30pm

Welcome to part one of this week's Weatherfield Wednesday double!.

Tonight's opening episode begins at the courtroom with day 2 of the trial. After Bethany's battering by the defence, its time for PC Tinker to be called to the witness stand. A nervous Craig is still shattered from discovering Nathan's victim on the railway lines. Will his nerves or the barrister, get the better of him?.

Meanwhile, mother hen Anna is babysitting for Seb's siblings before accidentally dropping her purse in his living room. Seb swiftly picks it up, but he hasn't returned to old ways. It's a little subplot I'm starting to enjoy. The introduction of Kelly from 'Shameless' is also delightful casting. Has Anna tamed Seb or will his employer Phelan 'get wind' of the suddenly influential Windass?.

Rita has 'disappeared' from Jenny's ahead of the operation, and after the celebratory champagne lunch amongst comrades, Gemma is worried. Just how DO you lose an 80-year old woman?. Has Rita forgotten about her operation or has she intentionally absconded?.After scaring a seriously worried Gemma, Norris, and Jenny, its clear Rita is losing the fight, but will she give up?.

Over at 'Roys Rolls' Yasmeen is discussing the Calcultta St development scam with an inquisative Daniel, who tries to interview a non-plussed Phelan. He's a brave man and has certainly inherited his Uncle Adam's bravado, but will he win against our favourite resident psychopath?.

As Uncle Adam proudly bounds into the cafe - like the cat that got the cream, Eva dips in but quickly departs, has the cat finally caught the mouse?. Eva later dismisses Adam into the 'friend zone' but I think this duo may yet have more romance to come?.

Craig's character is assassinated under cross-examination. Special Constable Tinker describes Bethany as 'lucky' that she survived, she was of course coerced into raped, burned with cigarettes, and nearly sex trafficked to Europe!.

The defence does their best to bring down Craig and his nervousness almost fails him (its 08.00 craig!) however, the multiple defence lawyers and an unconvincing Sgt Clifton, weaken the case, on their own accord. The unseen statements from Shona, David, and Mary, have cause for'quiet optimism' but this is all before Nathan is to take the stand. Will justice be done?.

Will justice also catch up with my favourite Phelan?. Is he too busy to reconcile his captive whilst appeasing a suddenly curious Daniel?. Either fellow could be deemed far too intelligent to fall at Phelan's feet but neither character contains the disturbed demure of the sinister scouser. A demure that Phelan struggles to contain, the same can also be said for Nathan. As he gets ready to take the stand, I wonder who is more psycho?. I doubt we will ever find out.

Do follow my mate @glennwrites as he reviews episode two of tonight's courtroom drama. Will Craig's witness stand shake the defence? will Nathan be finally jailed for the brutal treatment of Bethany?.

I hope so !!

Speak next week!


I am @rybazoxo
Editor at large @Drunkonmusic2
Your Cobbles connoisseur

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  1. Sorry, but my pedantry has got the better of me! Daniel is Adam's uncle.

    I wondered why we didn't see Shona and Mary give their evidence. Script writers too lazy perhaps? Or did it somehow add to the suspense?

  2. Craig is described on some sites as a Special Constable, but that is a voluntary post held by a member of the public. If I've got this right, Craig is a student police officer on a two year programme which progresses to other roles and more training. It's why Craig has a mentor, which he wouldn't have as a Special.

  3. Nice write up!

  4. Very good write-up, Ryan, for what I found to be a good & tense episode. I'm finding myself liking the Seb / Anna storyline too. Not sure what you mean by Phelan's "demure", which is an adjective, not a noun. Maybe you meant to say demeanour? I'm chalking it up to spell-check, not you. You have some lovely turns of phrase!

    I'm feeling a bit more confident that Rita's hard-hitting story will be handled well. So far there's plenty of humour and sweetness.

  5. Not trying to be rude but why is the wednesday 7:30 review always a day later then the 8:30 review? It's a bit confusing...
    Usually for double EPs it's 1 review. Why split it up....on separate days....backwards...?
