Monday 9 October 2017

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 9th October

David, Shona and the kiddies are going to the Peak District. Only joking, they're going to meet Dane and get into trouble. Mind you, that is David's middle name (it's actually Daniel). David worms the truth out of Shona and they go to tell Dane to do one, leaving the money behind chez Black Sheep Solicitors. Unfortunately, Dane is not impressed by this and he in turn goes to spy on the Platt-Ramsey household, taking advantage of an adult-free car to steal it, with children (and dog David) inside. Dane shows his impeccable childcare skills by telling Max and Lily that Clayton is Shona's son, Kylie's killer. You can see how Clayton turned out so well. Max goes missing and Shona follows him to the closed factory, where he is hiding. She and David talk to him and he comes out, but David tells Shona she has to cut all ties with Clayton so that Max feels safe. She has to choose and she chooses her son. Upshot: David's dumped.

Roy's gives Fiz a brief guide to ethics and philosophy but also gives to the crowdfunding appeal. Billy overhears, somewhat riled that Adam (but not Eva?) has made money out of other people's misery. He pops into the solicitors to berate Adam, and then when the bent brief goes out, Billy swipes Shona's scratchcard money. Billy! You live in a vicarage*, not Sherwood Forest. He splits the money between the main cast members (nothing for the extras, not even Dirk) and leaves, happy with his good deeds. Maybe giving it to the crowd-funding project would have been a better bet. Billy 'fesses up to Shona, who decides the money is better off with the factory girls rather than being spent on booze and drugs by Dane.

* Well, Eileen's house

Brian! I was wondering what had happened to him. Sorting his cardboard from his plastics, I imagine. He is at number one to discuss Ken's birthday and have a shower (Roy's DIY plumbing is under-par, apparently). Ken wants a quiet one (bday, not shower), as he has had "quite a year" (#understatement, according to Brian). There's some shenanigans with Amy, a spilt coffee, Eccles, wonky cakes, a stock cube in the shower-head and a written apology. Not sure what it's all about, but Brian's back!

Michelle leaves the Bistro rota on the table and Phelan uses it to set Andy's "replacement" plan in motion and ticks Daniel onto the rota on Friday (good job Danny O didn't choose Thurs as his evening off).

And finally, Rana changes her mind about having a baby after a chat with Steve and seeing Shona with little Lily. Someone else changing their mind is Kate about Imogen because she (Imogen) doesn't like camping or travel and wants her to meet the parents. Oh Kate, you will rival Michelle in the self-regarding and self-righteous stakes if you're not careful. Upshot: Imogen's ass is dumped, but not before she's revealed the truth to Rana: Rana fancies Kate.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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