Thursday 28 September 2017

Sonia Ibrahim confirms Mel is leaving Coronation Street

There's a long interview in The Sun today with Sonia Ibrahim, who plays Mel Maguire and she confirms that she's leaving Coronation Street.

Sonia has filmed her final scenes which shows that Mel will stop at nothing to prevent Bethany going to court to testify against Nathan next week.

She told The Sun: "It's been an amazing time, it's been great to work here. The opportunity I've had is amazing and it's just a massive family and everyone's so welcoming and it's so nice to work with such great people."

But as you can see in the preview picture above, Mel attacks Bethany to stop her getting to court.

Sonia says: "Whatever Nathan wants, Mel will do it and Nathan doesn't want Bethany to get to court. We know how brainwashed she is with Nathan. She knows what all these men are capable of and she's petrified of them all but she's in love with Nathan. He groomed her from the start, in his eyes he knew what she wanted from Mel. He picked her because Mel doesn't have a family, she's a very vulnerable girl and he knew what he could do to her so in his eyes he saw his victim straight away. Whereas Mel saw someone who loved her and cared about her and was the only one who was there."

The dramatic scenes will play out next week on Coronation Street.

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  1. It's obvious that, going by the three-minute autumn preview, that Mel is going to grab Bethany's necklace and somehow fall into the path of an oncoming train. So when the police are scraping up what's left of her they find the necklace and it'll look like Bethany has been killed, but she'll just be hiding somewhere.

    1. Nathan gave the same necklace to all his girls.

  2. You wonder why they make these announcements. Although probably everyone assumed that Bethany would eventually make it to court, it somewhat diminishes the suspense of who lives or dies on the tracks. If we don't know for certain that an actor is leaving, we can't be 100% sure of the outcome.

  3. Perhaps it's Mel's necklace after she's killed? This is going on and on just like the PhelAndy thing.. zzzz
