Thursday 10 August 2017

New Pics: David Scraps with Shona's Ex

Pic: Digital Spy
There are new paparazzi pictures online this week showing David Platt having a fight with Shona's ex-fella Dane Hibbs.   The name wasn't familiar to me but yes, he's been in the show before and is Clayton's dad. You can find out more about Dane Hibbs at Corriepedia.

Digital Spy have the paparazzi pics which show David fighting with Dane and Shona throwing herself into the mix, presumably to pull the two warring fellas off each other.

It appears from what little we can see on the pics that David leaps to Shona's defence when Dane tries to blackmail her, before a huge fight erupts.

Thankfully, David manages to fight dangerous Dane off – before leaving with Shona, hinting that the pair could be about to grow close again.

See the full images here at Digital Spy

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  1. How? Dane is at least twice as big.

    1. A lot of these big thugs aren't much use in a fair fight.What I find odd is that Dane goes anywhere without his minions to hold people like David for him while he hits them.
