Tuesday 8 August 2017

Coronation Street Spoiler: Chesney Becomes a Recluse

Things go from bad to worse for Chesney next week in Coronation Street when he starts to become a recluse. Last week he was suffering panic attacks and this week he has to quit his job because he feels he can’t leave the house with so much anxiety going on.

Gemma’s shocked to hear that Chesney is having such a hard time and she tries to get him to change his mind, but Chesney bites her head off.

Then Cathy visits Chesney where she explains she’s arranged for him to meet Dev at the Bistro so he can apologise for walking out of his job. Nervous of leaving home Chesney’s torn, can he overcome his anxiety to salvage his job?  But when Cathy calls on Chesney later to find out why he didn’t turn up to meet Dev, he snaps at her to stop interfering.

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  1. Meet at the Bistro? C'mon thats just insensitive!

  2. Ches becomes a recluse? Just when you thought he couldn't get any more interesting ...

  3. Is anyone really going to notice?
