Thursday 15 June 2017

So Adam took a photograph... how will he use it?

To whom will Adam show his photograph first? It could be that his first choice is Aidan - the man who has just accepted Eva’s proposal in public in The Rovers, and who, therefore is engaged to Eva, but claims, at least to Maria, that he prefers Maria.

Adam slept with Maria a while back, and that  was quite handy for Maria, as she used him to make Aidan jealous.

The fall-out will be massive. It will be humongous and it might even rival the never-to-be-forgotten triangle of Mike, Deirdre and Ken.

Eva, who has been on Aidan’s case marriage and wedding-wise, for ages, instead of dreaming about wedding dresses, bridesmaids’ dresses and a Christmas fairy lit wedding; well, let’s just say there will be blood.

‘When you going to tell Eva?’ asks Maria, in the romantic backdrop of bins down the ginnel. (Here in Sheffield, it's gennel. Just sayin')


Oh, but Aidan has it all worked out. He needs to break it off with Eva gently, to tell her he’s not ready, and he won’t mention Maria, yet. That way, in Aidan’s brain, there will be no affairs, no recriminations and when he and Maria do go public, it will look for all the world like it is a new relationship.

‘As long as we’re together in the end,’ says Maria, having swallowed all that Aidan said. ‘I told you, I’ve made my choice. I don’t want to lie any more’ he reassures her 

But they haven’t bargained for being caught and what’s more, as yet. they have no idea that they have been caught been.

What exactly is Adam doing? Apart from strutting around, insulting people and taking photographs of illicit affairs? He doesn’t seem to be working and Ken seems to be off his case. He and Aidan clearly despise each other – which is great for drama.

Adam will relish the power that the photograph gives him. Who knows what he’ll do? Bribery, perhaps? A ‘request’ for part ownership of the factory? Hush money? Whatever it is, it should be good.

By Ruth Owen, twitter: @Ruth1722

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1 comment:

  1. Work shy guys have usually had their charms for which we love them. Tim and Jack recently, surely there were many in the past who'd be at the Rovers working on pints instead of jobs or their honeydew lists. Adam, nope. He doesn't want to work but he's about as charming as a snake. Whatever he does, he's up to no good. Good thought, Ruth, about bribing away a share of the faktry. I was wondering about that last night. It seemed like such a childish thing to do.
