Saturday 17 June 2017

Lucy Fallon interview: Bethany's revenge on Neil

  Bethany Platt is going to get revenge at Neil, the pervert policeman, on Coronation Street.

Speaking to The Sun, Lucy Fallon who plays Bethany, tells them that as she comes to terms with being groomed by Nathan, Bethany will unleash hell on Neil

“Even though what Nathan has done to her is horrible, I think for Bethany what Neil has done is worse because he raped her and I think for her that was the first time she was experiencing something like that and it’s something she will never ever forget.  think for her that’s so important that she takes him down.”

While Lucy couldn't reveal exactly what form of revenge Bethany's vengeance would take, she did say she was really excited to film the scenes.

"It's going to be good, it's going to be different to everything we've filmed so far so yeah I'm really excited. "

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  1. Maybe she'll secretly record him. I can't believe the nerve of him going to her house to talk to Bethany after her family got her home.

  2. Love it when they say 'never been done before'. Kylie's death was also said to be 'never been done before' as if no one in a soap opera has ever been stabbed before.

  3. Can't wait to see him get caught seedier than nathan

  4. Once she gets her revenge on Neil,will there be scenes in which Bethany gets counselling and tested for STDS and HIV\AIDS?
    Although I do want to see Neil and Nathan get their comeuppance, I also want the writers to be socially responsible to the end with this storyline and not have Bethany being followed up medically or going with life as though nothing happened.

  5. On reflection, I'm not sure I'd be all that happy if a male police officer was allocated to my daughter. When you see other police dramas, which all claim to be authentic, a male and a female detective visit the victim. It isn't left to 'uniform' to pop in ad-hoc.

  6. Humpty I think Neil's going to see Bethany just for Nathan's benefit, not as part of his work.

    I can't wait to see him and Nathan get what they deserve.
