Monday 5 June 2017

Inked Corrie fan to replicate tattoo in memory of Martyn Hett

Martyn Hett and his amazing Deirdre tattoo
Today marks two weeks since the Manchester attacks that claimed the lives of 22 individuals attending an Ariana Grande concert in the city that night. Whilst we were all utterly devastated at the news here at the Coronation Street Blog, the fact that our friend and guest contributor Martyn Hett was one of the victims brought the situation much closer to home than we ever imagined.

In the days following the news of his passing we dedicated several posts, including this one to Martyn. I plan to pay tribute to our truly iconic Martyn myself sometime soon, though I'm still finding it difficult to put into words how much I valued our friendship.

So far, a charity set up by the Manchester City Council and the British Red Cross, We Love MCR, has raised over 6 million pounds to support those who were affected by the terrorist attack on 22nd May. There has been an incredible amount of fundraising, and a lot specifically in Martyn Hett's name, including the sale of t-shirts bearing his likeness that has raised £5,800.

And another fundraiser is Corrie fan Rebecca Haynes (who is on Twitter @rebeccahaynes25), whose love of the show sparked some rather impressive tattoos of the Rovers Return, Elsie Tanner, Hilda's ducks and Corrie quotes around one of her legs. In Becca's own words, here's what she is planning to do in memory of Martyn:

"I have really been affected by the horrible events in Manchester, and especially when I learnt fellow Corrie fan Martyn Hett lost his life. Although I had never met Martyn Hett, I was both sad and annoyed. How dare someone think they have the right to take a life? I share something in common with Martyn, not only for my love of the street but I too have Corrie tattoos. I want to pay tribute to Martyn and get his Deirdre tattoo in the same place (although on the opposite leg). I'd love to raise some money for the We Love Manchester charity by doing this."

Connor McIntyre is just one of the many stars she's met
Becca's incredible tattoos with a fantastic attention to detail
Becca is all booked in for her tattoo at the end of July, and more information on her fundraising can be found on her Just Giving page where you can also donate if you wish to.

I think it's an absolutely wonderful thing Becca is doing and I'm sure Martyn would have been over the moon - I'll follow up this post with the end results sometime in August!

You can follow me on Twitter @MichaelAdamsUk, if you so wish to.

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  1. I think this was something that was special to Martyn. It was one of a kind that I know of. He is gone and I think it should be like a famous player's jersey or number or whatever. Although her intentions may be good, I say leave it as Martin's....please do not repeat or replicate.

    1. I don't know if it's a bad thing. It's not like she doesn't already have Corrie tattoos and though it was Martyn's idea, it does seem a fitting homage to recreate it.

      That bomber and those like him, I think they mean to wipe out all that makes life joyful and whimsical like going to concerts and getting tattoos of celebrities you like just for the hell of it. That tattoo disappeared 80 years before its time when Martyn died and if it finds its way on Becca then the sense of fun it represents isn't entirely gone.

  2. @pickeledjo's Dierdre's tattoo of Martyn photo is the best tribute ever! That would be a fantastic real tattoo!
