Wednesday 7 June 2017

Daniel's Drugs Horror in Coronation Street

In next week's Coronation Street, we're going to see drugs being bought and sold in the Bistro. You can find out more on that here.

And one of those buying the drugs will be Daniel, which will set him off on a deadly path says Inside Soap magazine.

Rob Mallard, who plays Daniel, tells the magazine: "Daniel is at the Bistro and gets riled up by Tracy. Now the truth is out (about Ken's attack), Daniel's numb - he just wants to feel something so he decides to buy the drugs."

And on top of all that, he's still trying to cope with the reappearance of his mum Denise.

Rob says: "He finds it devastating. She's come back into his life like a wrecking ball. Daniel is good at protecting himself and he's grown up alone, he's always been in charge of the narrative of his life. Now Denise is back, there's another source to corroborate his stories. He's carried secrets all his life and he's lost a lot of power now his mum is there."

So Daniel decides to buy the drugs after his row with Tracy at the Bistro,  But when Robert goes to Daniel's flat later, he finds him slumped unconscious.

Will the Barlows rally round to help him?

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  1. The actors are doing their best with a pretty ropey story. It doesn't add up for me that nobody would have spotted a youngster living totally alone for seven years. They might have got away with a year or two, but seven years?? So far, all Ken has asked is how could she do it. I want to know how she managed it.

    1. to be fair, it was only 3 years until he was 18, and from there it wouldn't really have been too suspicious for an 18,19,20 year old to be living alone

  2. Oh, I don't know. How did Mr. Rochester keep Bertha Mason secretly locked in the attic all those years at the same time he was courting Jane Eyre? The Daniel story is a bit gothic, right down to thumping his dad with an old poetry tome. Corrie is good at mixing drama with humour, also unreality with reality.

  3. It just doesn't make sense. Did they have no friends or neighbours? What about parents'evenings at school? How did Daniel get to university? More importantly, what did he do for money? !

    1. didn't it say somewhere that he used his mums credit card? i don't know though, i could be wrong

  4. Yes, he did say something like that, it's all a bit hazy. Would she really leave her credit card behind? Who paid the monthly bill? But how long did Denise's breakdown last? Was she paying for treatment? Did she have an income or lots of dosh stashed away from her hair salon? So many unanswered questions...

    1. Even if she left her cards behind, he'd get a statement to be paid. I thought he'd slowly sold everything in the house but 7 years is a long time and it isn't as if Denise had owned the Crown Jewels. This storyline is full of holes.

  5. I quite liked Daniel when he first appeared. I am watching in Canada so we haven't seen Denise's re-appearance yet. I am not looking forward with what the writers are doing to Daniel's character! Can't anyone on the street remain nice and caring? I was watching years ago when Denise was on the show and I don't think I cared much for her at all. I always found her selfish and could be quite nasty at times.

  6. Probably everything was paid by direct debit. I seem to remember Daniel saying his mum put money into the bank account on a regular basis.
