Sunday 18 June 2017

5 Things We Learned in Corrie This Week

What a cracking week in Weatherfield it's been. Drama, passion, romance, ginnel, it was all there. And so without any further ado, here we go with five things we learned in Coronation Street this week.

1. You Do Not Mess with Rita. Never.

I can't have been the only Corrie fan cheering on Rita as she made mincemeat out of Johnny Connor. Protective of Jenny, but without knowing the true reason why Jenny had been dumped, Rita stormed round to Johnny's flat and gave him what-for. Rita's one classy bird and I love her.  Quote of the week goes to Rita too: "I've been married three times. Of course I've fallen out of love, but not overnight!"

2. Audrey's got a nice clavicle

A lovely mention early in the week from Audrey about her Alfeh.  He liked her ankles and clavicle, apparently. I love it when Corrie mentions characters from the past where they would still be thought of and remembered in real life.  It even prompted a blog post all about Alf.

3. Sexy Mexy is a Thing

Just about anything that Eva wears she manages to make look good. When she walked into the Rovers with a Mariachi band behind her, asked what her look was, she replied "Sexy Mexy". Love it.

4. Gemma once worked in a morgue. Well, I say morgue...

Proving she's the rightful winner - as if there could ever be any doubt - of her recent British Soap Award win for Best Comedy performance, Dolly-Rose Campbell gave it out in the kebab shop as Gemma this week.  "I used to work in a morgue. Well, I say morgue, it was my mate who worked there. Well, I say he was my mate but he was just some bloke I met on the bus."  Wonderful stuff.

5. Chesney grew a pair.

Finally. Enough said.

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  1. Just have to laugh when I see Ches being all macho, it doesn't suit him at all.

  2. We never did find out if Rita liked the kebab. Am thinking not

  3. boris the spider18 June 2017 at 21:42

    Disagree with your point about not messing with Rita, I didn't like her and Gemma sticking their beaks in, Johnny was going to tell Jenny the truth, they have messed it up good and proper!
