Friday 14 April 2017

Should Johnny marry Jenny - Yay or Nay?

If Johnny and Jenny marry, it's going to be one heck of a Coronation Street wedding. Can you imagine what Bridezilla Bradley will want on her day? The moon on a stick, that's what, with all the trimmings too. This is a wedding that has to happen, please Corrie, if only to see Jenny leave her dream for the day.

But, as much as I want to see these two get wed, I'm wondering if it will happen. Or indeed, if it should happen.

Does Jenny deserve Mr Connor, I wonder?  What do you think, Corrie fans?  Should Johnny marry Jenny - Yay or Nay.  I say Yay, just because it'll be one of the best Corrie weddings we have seen in a very long time. I'd like to think that Jenny asks Rita to give her away too.

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  1. Nay. I don't know what's wrong with Jenny but something is. This relationship hasn't helped that one bit so it's a waste of time.

  2. Jenny's not that much younger than Johnny but she's very immature. She can be rewritten to give her greater depth but atm she's a 'taker'. If the marriage goes ahead, it won't last long.

  3. Nay. There is something broken about Jenny, and at this time of his life, Johnny deserves something better.

  4. No way. Jenny can be a nasty piece of work. Johnny needs somone who will look after him not a selfish fish wife.

  5. I'm going to go against the tide and vote Yay. There's something about Jenny that tells me she deserves more of a break than she has gotten.

  6. Me too YAY! Johnny could do worse. and I think Jenny really needs him.

  7. A big Nay from here. I feel they bring out the worst in each other.

  8. 'Johnny could do worse' - he could also do a lot better. Jenny doesn't need him, she just wants his money and to Lord it over the other factory girls.

    1. True, Jenny definitely loves Johnny's money but not Johnny. What could be worse than marrying a gold digger?

  9. Yay. Sally-Ann is a great actress and there could be much comedy ahead if she becomes the senior Mrs Connor.

  10. Maybe as senior Mrs Connor she can give Moaning Michelle as good talking to.

  11. Remember when Audrey married Alfie? She was called a golddigger...and he became the love of her life. I think it could be the same with Jenny and Johnny. He could give her the stability and care to make a better person of her.

  12. Jenny's 46 and Johnny's 63 - a significant age difference, but not unusual these days (Audrey and Alf) is quite a close comрarison - although the рersonalities of Johnny and Jenny are comрletely different :) It might work

  13. Nay. I wish Jenny would elope with Brian. That would be 2 whining characters off the street!!.

  14. Nay. I wish Jenny would elope with Brian. That would be 2 whining characters off the street!!.
