Saturday 15 April 2017

Guess the mystery Coronation Street star - day 14

Every day for the next few days we're going to be running a series of old pictuers of some of the past and present Coronation Street cast.

You may well have seen these pictures before, in which case they'll be easy for you. But for those of you who are new to seeing these pictures, I hope you find them interesting and they give you a smile too.

Leave your guesses as usual in the box below.  There's no prize for getting it right (sadly) and it's just for fun - so don't ring in.

Take a look at all of our mystery Coronation Street stars!

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  1. Not only is that Helen Worth - Gail - but there's a remarkable resemblance to the young Jack P Shepherd, when he first joined the show as David. Spooky.

    1. That's true. :-)
      Not spooky when you think about it. Their resemblance back then is probably what got him hired.

    2. That resemblance really is remarkable. Thanks for pointing it out.

  2. Please do a compare shot of David from first episode (in back and white of course) with this pic of Gail......please......

  3. This is too easy. It's no-chin wonder Gail! And all the other posters who say David looks like he could be her son both on the show and in real life, I've been thinking of that since I started watching the show! Gail/David and Blanche/Dierdre are two pairs that look like they really could be related.
