Wednesday 12 April 2017

Evil Nathan is leaving Coronation Street

Our blogger Jordan was invited recently to ITV to interview Chris Harper about playing Nathan Curtis and to find out about the grooming storyline and how it's going to progress. We're going to bring you Jordan's unique write-up of the event and his interview with Chris very soon indeed. 

Until then, we can reveal that Nathan will be leaving Coronation Street.  Metro's Duncan Lindsay has a good quote from Chris Harper about Nathan and his shelf-life as a nasty piece of work in the soap.

Chris says: "He’s not going to hang around. What we really want is to tell it right – anyone watching it who fears for themselves or someone else will know that there is somewhere to go and that there’s a very supportive and very loving network of survivors out there who will help you get through it. For that reason, I think it’s really important that Nathan doesn’t get away with it."

I wonder in what form his leaving will take place - arrest and imprisonment, hopefully?

Find out who else is leaving, joining or returning to Coronation Street - all the details are here.

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  1. I certainly hope he's arrested and imprisoned! The guy makes my skin crawl, which is usually the sign that he's doing his job well.

    BTW, glad that we 'anonymous' folks can post again!

  2. It's obvious a character like his had to have a limited shelf life, but he does play the role very convincingly. Decent actor, hope to see him in other roles in the future.

  3. I have feelings in equilibrium about Chris / Nathan!. A brilliant actor that has played this part exceptionally well, and its been handled with sensitivity yet realistically...salaciously sinister. I have enjoyed the actor on screen as I have seen him on stage in a different role, and the story does need 'wrapping up'. I believe Bethany will be in amongst a long line of victims, and she will be his last. I wouldn't want the obvious 'carting off by the police' ending though. I think it would be better if he got his comeuppance via a vigilante who discover his actions, or maybe the father of the girl who died of a drug overdose?. I'm unsure if that subplot was related to this story or the Adam/Rosie drug dealer story. An interesting demise is in the offing I feel.. he has been arrested before as we know..

  4. I agree, the actor has been really good and very believable. Gives me the creeps when he's on screen so you *know* he's doing a great job. It was inevitable that he be caught of course. I reckon Shona will be involved in his downfall somewhere. I think he'll have to die because he's too smooth and slick to be jailed, he'd find a way to slip out of the charges. As someone said, a vigilante parent perhaps or even maybe Mel herself finally standing up and facing him.

  5. I also agree, Chris plays the character of Nathan excellently, and the whole storyline well handled. I think Chris would've made a far more believable, sinister Callum. He has a far more creepy way about him. I also think he's too slimey to go to court and that his demise will do the storyline justice

  6. He did an excellent job but I hope he leaves sooner rather than later before the show gets enamored with him as they are with Phelan and outlandish efforts are made to keep him.
    Hmmm, in the previews, is the blood we've seen on Bethany hers or Nathan's? I can see one of his victims turning on him.

  7. In a way I'm sorry to see him go. I really like the actor. Maybe in a few years he could return as New New Nick (Newer Nick?). LOL! Maybe Shona's secret is that she had a daughter or sister that Nathan got messed up with? Whatever happens I'm sure his downfall will be a good story!

  8. Excellent actor. Very believable in role. I hope it's a very meaningful end for Nathan so that Bethany can begin her healing journey. Good for Corrie to tackle this issue.

  9. I think he will slither out of town and move his filth elsewhere....guys like him turn up under one rock after another.
    Let's save the prison or killing for Phelan....

  10. Agree that he's an excellent actor. Interesting to consider that he originally auditioned for the very limited role of Mary's son. Casting hit the mark on this one but the story needs to come to an end.

  11. Oh that's right - SHONA has a secret, and it was obvious that she's got history with Nathan...I wonder if that's part of her big secret?
    Maybe Shona will be Nathan's downfall once she and Gail talk, and get talking about Bethany's 'boyfriend'.
