Sunday 16 April 2017

Corrie's Samia on home life, skating and wearing a prison tag

There's a long interview in today's Sunday Mirror with Samia Longchambon, who plays Maria Connor in Coronation Street.

She talks about her current soap storyline which sees her dealing with Aidan after their afternoon of rumpy-pumpy on the sofa in her flat.

And she also mentions the security tag that Maria is being forced to wear at the moment after being let out of prison.

"It is hysterical being tagged," laughs Samia, showing off her anklebracelet. "Luckily I haven’t forgotten to take it off at the end of the day yet for when I do my nightly shop. I’d get some right looks! Mine is pretty comfortable actually, but it keeps falling off. Which kind of defeats the object."

Samia also reveals a little about her home life, what she's likely to be getting up to this Easter weekend.

It's a good interview and you can read the whole thing here.

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