Saturday 15 April 2017

Corrie weekly update - the one with a Manchester smile

Corrie weekly updates from 1995
All the wit and warmth of Weatherfield
None of the waffle

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Michelle returns from staying with Carla this week and she’s only back two minutes before all hell is let loose. First off, Robert gives her a job at the Bistro and by way of interview he checks her sub-duvet skills up in his flat. She gets the job and he tells her he loves her. Then, when the lovebirds take the lift together at Victoria Court after their spot of afternoon delight, the lift doors open while they’re mid-snog and Steve cops an eyeful of his missus and the Bistro boss.  Robert, to me, is soap’s most boring man, happy to hang on to Michelle’s tail coats as she fires up Steve for half of his earnings and half of the pub.  This could turn out to be a very nasty divorce.

Sally’s online troll steps up a nasty gear and puts Sally’s death notice in the Weatherfield Gazette. But worse is to come when a box is delivered to Underworld for Sally.  She’s already in a right state after reading her own obituary so when she opens the box to find a pig’s heart inside, well, you can imagine, I’m sure.  Tim demands that Sally shut down her social media accounts and Sally says she will. But first, she breaks down in tears and tells Tim she’s resigning from her role with the council.  The troll has won, she tells Tim.  Rosie and Sophie won’t let their mum be defeated like this and set out to track down the troll. They head to the Weatherfield Gazette and demand to know who placed the obituary in the paper.  But all they get for their troubles is an alias of someone called Theresa Green.

Peter’s arrested this week on suspicion of attacking Chloe who lies to the cops and says she was attacked the night before Ken was pushed down the stairs. There’s now too many suspects and too many plot holes in this story for me to care much, I’m afraid.

David and Maria wind up Gail summat rotten and tell her that they’re engaged with a baby on the way.  It’s left to Audrey to point out to gullible Gail that the young ‘uns are winding her up.  So when David gets a call to say he’s been left twenty thousand pounds in the will of a salon customer, I wondered if it was a wind up from Gail getting her revenge. But it’s real enough, and David sees a solicitor who verifies it all. Also left in the will to David is a little Yorkshire Terrier called David too, a cutie of a doggy if ever there was. 

When Sarah tells Gary about David’s windfall, he strops off in a huff, saying that the money should go to Anna after David’s plan to kill Clayton with his car caused Ann to be set on fire last year.  Gary says the same thing to David, who hands over a cheque of nineteen thousand to Anna, without question. His guilty conscience has been eased, Anna’s got a smile on and Kev’s garage looks set to be saved from bankruptcy. Hurrah!

Elsewhere this week, Bethany caves in and heads to the salon on the lookout for Nathan to put things right between them once more. She tells mum Sarah that she’s going to be spending more time at Nathan’s flat than on Coronation Street, from now on. 

Meanwhile, Jenny continues to plan her wedding this week and Johnny begins to suffer. First it’s his hands he has problems with, he can’t button up his shirt. And then he stumbles and falls on the cobbles. Kate thinks her dad has been drinking but Liz confirms that it was only orange juice she served Johnny with.  Jenny hires and fires Michelle as her wedding planner in a wonderful scene that saw Bridezilla Bradley, as she must surely now be known, at fantastic full throttle. And finally, after Seb broke Jackson’s jaw in the punch-up on the cobbles some weeks ago, Seb’s now locked up after pleading guilty in court.  Faye begs Phelan to take her to see Seb and lies behind Anna’s back regarding Seb and Phelan too.

And that’s just about that for this week. 

Remember, you can sign up to get these Corrie weekly updates by email at

This week’s writers were Mark Wadlow (Monday double); Jonathan Harvey (Wednesday); Susan Oudot (Friday double). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at

Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at

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  1. I could understand David giving Anna some of his inheritance but nor all of it especially since it benefits Kevin not her.I mean Phelan is the one who's responible for Kevin going into bankruptcy not David.
    I also thought it was bad taste for Gary to threaten David in the Street possibly in the same spot he cradled Kylie in his arms before she died.

  2. I suspected this new David would share the money. It blew me away when he gave her the majority of it. I was thinking half would have been more than fair.
    It is another step in the growth of this character. He is still ahead a grand, a dog and now a clean conscience. Good on David I say!
    As for Kevin....remember when Sally inherited from her mum? Kev needed it for the garage and she ended up leaving with her money...running right into the arms of the Batersby spawn, Greg?
    When it comes to Phelan....Kevin would not have been on his radar had it not been for Anna.
    Kevin like Owen stepped up and gave Anna a place to live when she could no longer afford it. He also stood by her when she went through the burn trauma.
    It bothers me though that he is scheduled to have a fling with Erica....but you can see it coming as it is obvious Anna is not feeling her sexy self because of the scars. Tears ahead for her I am afraid.

  3. I hope Anna eventually gives David some of the money back, saying that he was too generous. If she hears about Kevin and Erica, Anna won't feel quite so loyal.

  4. Hmmmm...we are assuming that Anna will just hand over the money to Kevin. But they do not see eye to eye on the money situation. Remember his response when she gave Faye the 100 as a birthday treat. I am thinking it is her low self esteem which may contribute to Kev's affair with Erica...maybe it will be because she will not hand over all of the cash? Just a thought.
    Either way, David is alright.

    1. It would be lovely if Anna held on to the money she's getting as compensation for her pain and suffering rather than sink it into her boyfriend's garage.

      Kevin had insurance and it's insane that he'd take the only money a woman still raising a young girl has instead of demanding his due from his insurer.

  5. Really sick of Michelle already and she's only been back 5 minutes. She's a nasty piece of work and so is Robert, I wish they would both clear off to Ireland for good. I sincerely hope this storyline doesn't drag on for long.
    Glad that David did the decent thing (he's my favourite character by a mile) but can't see why Kevin should benefit from it.

  6. Is it common to bequeath dogs to someone you admire? That's how Ken got Eccles; he was left the dog in his will by a friend of Blanche's from the One O'Clock Club.

  7. A lot of Kevin's debt is personal, to do with Sophie's American medical bills and then the insurance on the new garage that wouldn't pay out after the fire even though Kevin was exonerated.

    1. True, but Sally helped him out on Sophie's medical bills. At this point, the real problems stem from the insurer since with the settlement he'd just be right where he was before or just a few thousand pounds down.

  8. The price of that brand new tow truck that Phelan hijacked must have cost a pretty penny.
