Thursday 13 April 2017

Coronation Street spoiler: Tim finds Sally's sister

Pic: Digital Spy / MCPIX Mark Campbell
There are pictures online today showing Tim finding Sally's sister Gina Seddon, and all is not what it seems.

Gina, it turns out, is a down and out and has definitely seen better days. What could be up with her, I wonder?  Anyway, the pics show Tim finding Gina in a bad state as she's slumped against a tree and appears to be completely down and out.

There's a rumour that Gina is going to turn out to be Sally's stalker but if it is her, then what's her motive? Could it be that Gina needs mental health help?

You can see the pictures over at Digital Spy

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  1. Oh great, another nutter.
    Oh well, I guess it wouldn't be an interesting soap if everyone was all sunshine and lollipops would it?

  2. I reckon the writers will have to do a fair bit of ret-conning because I can't remember a really serious falling out between the sisters. Was Gina mentioned during Sally's breast cancer story?

  3. Well, on the flip side, if Gina does turn out to be a nutter, at least Connie Hyde knows how to play batty!

  4. Sally did do some recovery at Gina's but that was a number of years ago now. If Gina isn't the stalker, it could be her step daughter, angry that Sally hasn't been any help (not that it's been asked for but that never stopped jealousy before), or angry that Sally has all this and Gina has nothing.
