Tuesday 18 April 2017

Coronation Street spoiler: Nathan pimps out Bethany

Evil Nathan gets Bethany to meet his mate Neil in next week's Coronation Street.

Bethany will fall for Nathan's lies again next week after she feels responsible for some camera equipment that goes missing from the salon.  When Nathan returns to find the equipment gone he tears into Bethany and she ends up in tears.

Nathan apologises and says that the camera equipment belongs to his friend Neil, who he says has got a soft spot for Bethany. He suggests that Bethany might want to meet him for a drink and of course, she does this to please Nathan.

Then Nathan throws a party in his flat and Neil leads Bethany towards the bedroom. She looks to Nathan, willing him to come to her rescue. But all Nathan does is give her an encouraging smile... 

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  1. Oh gullible gullible Bethany, how naive are you? And what are you going to say when you find out your boyfriend is the father of the boy who killed your aunt?

    1. Possible, but i don't think he'd be old enough to be Macca's dad. Macca's seemed a lot older than 14 year old Clayton. It'd be a helluva twist though if it were possible

  2. Why do you think Nathan is Clayton's father? If it turns out to be so, this is one heck of a convoluted plot.

    1. I think it's because Shona referred to Clayton's father. However, just because she was involved with Nathan, it doesn't mean he is the dad. But then Corrie is very good at convoluted!

  3. For a teenager who grew up in a big metropolis of Milan, found her way alone to Weatherfield, the writers really haven't done a good job of convincing me that Bethany would fall for this.

    1. I agree, this script would have made more sense if it was Faye who got caught by Nathan and his empty flattery.
      Bethany should be more worldly and she was certainly more willful when first on Corrie.

  4. The writers would like us to forget that Bethany ever lived in Milan. Her accent is broader than her mother's, and she never boasts about Italian food and fashion. We are supposed to think of her as a local girl who has been bullied at school and has no self-esteem. Actually, Faye would have been a better candidate for this storyline except she had already been given the teenage mother one

    1. I'm so glad they didn't give this storyline to Faye. That would be too predictable. I'm glad it was given to Bethany to show that anybody can be taken in by people who groom, including people who are supposed to be a bit more savvy

    2. Sorry, I hadn't seen your comment about Faye before I replied to C in Canada ;-)
      But, yes, I said as much a few weeks ago. Why would s girl with access to a salon, its products and quite likely its own camera and lights via Audrey and David need some random guy's help to vlog? Why would she be so grateful for that help that she'd be under his thumb? Why would she think it was OK to be passed around to his friends when she's seen her mom and other relatives get involved with people without doing anything so outrageous?
      Faye is the girl with no self esteem who might be aware her mom slept with a man to bail Owen and Gary out and misunderstand that to mean it was acceptable.

  5. To Jo....The actress who plays Shona was on Lorraine this morning and she said that Bethany's boyfriend is her ex. So I'm guessing Nathan is Clayton's father. And Anon 09:50, Macca is Clayton's step-brother.

  6. Maricha, I agree 100%. The whole Nathan storyline is so contrived, I can't believe for a moment that Milan Bethany would have been taken in by his smarm. Plus you have a good point about her having access to the salon and products, therefore no need for Nathan and his 'salon'. Not that we ever see any customers there!
    Milan Bethany would also have known that being passed around your friends just isn't 'normal' either.
    I'm glad they didn't give the story to Faye, but it would have been more believable.

  7. You know living in Milan doesn't give you special insight or for that the ability to mark out a nonce. This looks like fishing for criticism to me.

    1. It's not living in Milan, it's deciding she didn't like it there and making her way safely back to Weatherfield on her own. Then being seen as able to manipulate most people around her. Even her biggest setback: being bullied, ended to her advantage.
      Aside from her family members she can talk to Todd.
      This isn't a girl with no option but to end up in Nathan's clutches so it lacks realism that she does it so easily.

  8. Part of it is Bethany has low self-esteem, making her susceptible to Nathan's manipulations plus she's also headstrong and wants to strike out on her own, again another reason why she wants to go out with Nathan because he's older and more mature than boys her own age. Which also makes her vulnerable to Nathan's charm.
