Wednesday 19 April 2017

Coronation Street sixth episode - when would you like it on?

Last year Coronation Street producer Kate Oates announced that the show was adding an extra weekly Coronation Street episode.  You can read more on that here.

The show is moving from the current five episodes to six episodes each week later this year. At the moment, all we know is that the extra episode will take place "in the autumn".  We will, as always, bring you full details of any official announcement of the 6th episode as soon as we have it.

However, in advance of any announcement from ITV, I'm wondering when YOU would like the extra episode to take place?

I'm all for a Sunday night episode. I love the cosy feel of a Coronation Street episode on a Sunday night, curled up on the sofa, ready to face the week ahead.

But maybe you'd prefer a double Wednesday instead? Or a Tuesday or Thursday episode? How about a Saturday - ooh, now that's a radical thought.

When would YOU like the 6th episode of Coronation Street to air?

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  1. I would prefer Saturday or Sunday.

  2. Sunday evening like it used to be

  3. I think I'd like a Sunday evening ep too. My gut tells me it'll end up in the old Thursday 8.30pm slot.

  4. A double episode Wed. would be great.

  5. Not Sunday which is hectic in our house so I'd end up never seeing it on the day. There again, many people regularly watch on catch-up so perhaps it doesn't matter when it's broadcast. Double Wednesday for me.

  6. I'd love it to be a mid week double episode.

  7. Another vote for Sunday here.

  8. It makes sense to have three double Wednesday would be my vote - if there was

  9. Wednesday at 8.30pm makes the most sense all round!

  10. Wednesday please!

  11. In Canada, we have one 30 min episode, Monday thru Friday evenings. I would love love love a Sunday night episode! Cozy on the couch with my final glass of wine of the weekend. Bliss....

  12. A double episode on Wednesday makes most sense, but please not Sunday. That never felt right, in fact I used to record it to watch over lunch on Monday.

  13. Sunday all the way for me! A nice way to round off the weekend and numb the pain of the forthcoming working week.

  14. If it were on Wednesday, that would add some consistency to the schedule and be easier to remember.

  15. I'd like it spread over the whole week from Sunday to Friday, Corrie 6 nights a week would be great, something to look forward too every day.

  16. Wednesday double gets my vote, it'd confuse me too much otherwise
