Tuesday 18 April 2017

Coronation Street: Sally's sister is her stalker

Rosie and Sophie are in a pickle next week on Coronation Street when they find out who Sally's stalker is.  After Rosie stalks out Leah's house, Leah emerges with her step-mum and Rosie is stunned to realise it's Sally's sister Gina!
Rosie confides in Sophie and both of them wonder what to do and whether they should tell Sally. But it's Leah who begs Rosie not to say anything.

She tells Rosie that
Gina’s been ill but with no support from Sally, it’s fallen to her to look after her. Rosie’s shocked. Back at home she tells Sophie that Auntie Gina is Sally’s stalker!

Who is Sally's sister? Find out here.

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  1. I'm still not completely convinced Gina will be the stalker, I am still leaning towards the step-daughter. I do find it difficult to believe that if Gina was ill, she wouldn't have asked Sally for help herself or that her daughter wouldn't have called. Gina was there to help Sally recover from her cancer treatments not all that long ago so there has been communication between them, obviously enough that Rosie recognized her. I wonder how long the step daughter has been in the picture? Wouldn't the Webster girls recognize her? Unless she's a new acquisition of course.

    1. I agree. The trolling has been too generic and based on stuff anyone might know about Sally. A sister would have had better ammunition. Plus they seemed to be on good terms so why troll Sally?

  2. I have been thinking the same about Gina. She and Sally have been together off screen many times in past with no signs of trouble mentioned!
    On a side note, I really wish Kev's sister, Debbie and his half brother Karl would have returned to help Kevin out with the garage situation! X
