Monday 24 April 2017

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 24th April

Now that Amy's a suspect (in Tracy's eyes at least) I have to rescind my theory that it's Ms Barlow-McDonald who dunnit and have to agree that the culprit is either Crazy Chloe or Sinister Seb. Probably the former, as Seb's already in the small house (Youth Offenders). Tracy has a busy day, visiting Rob in the ex-gym, bringing him a radio and a Scotch egg and telling him that they could have had a wonderful life together. Hmm. Tracy seems to have forgotten that Rob bludgeoned Tina to death after Tina threatened to dob him and Tracy into the police for selling knock-off goods in Barlow's Buys - it seems unlikely that happy ever after was gonna happen. Tracy finds the violin money in Amy's old teddy and this upsets her so much that she runs back to the gym to snog Rob's face off. Wasn't she complaining about his bad breath in the last ep? But anyway, it was a good enough bunk-up to convince Tracy that she and Amy ought to go on the lam with Rob.

Adam, in the meantime, tells DI McKinnon and DS Other Copper that he was in the house on the night of Ken's attack to pick up the money that Amy had left for him. They seem somewhat incredulous, especially when Adam starts re-pointing the finger at our Trace. But believing that Adam is guilty, Ken starts to mend bridges with his errant offspring, starting with Daniel, who tells him about Sinead's "miscarriage".

Billy's ex, Drew, turns up and reveals that his daughter, Summer, is Billy's god-daughter, that he, Drew, is moving to Weatherfield and that he was allegedly the love of Billy's life, all of which makes the Toddster quite jealous.

Gary and Sarah crash the tanning party, where Evil Nathan is reassuring Nasty Neil that Bethany will soon be "ready". Bleurgh. Things escalate quickly and Gary punches Nathan in the chops. Not a moment too soon, but it leads to Bethany being bundled upstairs, Gary and Sarah being kicked out of the salon, and another wedge being driven between Sarah and her daughter.

Toyah is still in a strop about the IVF and the non-kiss-kiss with Chloe. Peter wants to put the embryos on ice, literally, until his name is cleared but Toyah is hearing that tick tick tick of the biological clock and goes ahead with the embryo implantation. Toyah's always been impetuous, but this is a terrible plan.

And in the comedy storyline, The Devstars (Prima Doner) face off against All Sewn Up (Underworld) in the Rovers quiz, with Prima Doner winning, despite Gemma getting confused between JFK's assassination in Dallas and JR being shot in, erm, Dallas, and Cathy claiming that Shakespeare was still alive in Georgian times during the tie-breaker. It turns out that Brian threw the quiz for Cathy's sake, and he is rewarded with a kiss. Almost.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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  1. it can't be Chloe. She and Peter were together. Chloe was Peter's alibi but she hasn't come forward.

  2. Seb wasn't in the "Small" House on the night of the attack, his court date was only a week or so ago so he's still one of the front runners.

  3. Having Rob and Tracey back together temporarily is bittersweet for me. It's just a cruel reminder that they are so much the perfect couple and what a loss Marc Baylis is to the programme.

    If only Tina had just fallen off the balcony, there would still be some doubt as to Rob's culpability. But hitting her over the head with a piece of four-by-two? It's hard to get round that one ...

    ... unless ...

    It turns out that Rob has an appeal yet to be decided, which includes new evidence about the cause of Tina's death. The appeal court is satisfied that Rob's actions, while contributing factors, were not enough on their own to have caused Tina's death (remember, she lived for a few more days). The conviction is downgraded to manslaughter, the sentence reduced to a convenient length that would allow Rob to get out on parole soonish.

    I would turn a blind eye to all the resulting moral ambiguity if only Tracey and Rob were back together for good.

    1. I could also turn a blind eye but only if he's reformed. Otherwise, no because they'd just bring out the worst in each other as they used to.
      Tracy has finally moved beyond scheming all the time: much as she wanted to keep her flower shop she didn't do anything stupid to get her way.
      Rob could have been successful and stayed out of jail if he kept his wits about him in the past: who would kill Tina to keep her quiet when they could easily hide the evidence before the police could check on the truth of her statement?

    2. There was a scene on Friday where Rob was talking about the nightmares he had over Tina. I wondered (hopefully) whether we were being warmed up for a more permanent return. As the last temporary storyline had him portrayed far less sympathetically: blaming everyone but himself.

  4. Wait. Have we gotten a solid that Rob was still in custody when Ken was assaulted, or was he already on the lam? If he was out, my bet was him, but it could have been an accident. If not, then Phelan as revenge for slighting his work ethic (with a time code error on Todds ghost cam; why else would he have let himself in after hours) or Ken tripped over Eccles and whacked his head on the bannister. (We saw Rob hit Tina so we know he killed her.)

    Gary punched someone, Toyah wore an ugly top, Leanne didn't have a blissful moment with her baby, the detectives can't find their way out of a box, Rob and Tracy work together, Billy and Todd don't, Nathan is the poster boy for creepy and Gemma was a gem, pretty normal fare. Liked the quiz night.

    1. It's confusing. I thought Craig discussed the prison van business before Ken was assaulted but Rob seems to be in pretty bad shape and apparently Tracy found him in the ginnel.

  5. So Gary let his fists do the talking again?!He's luck that HE wasn't arrested for assault.As for Sarah why isn't she telling her family what's going on instead of depending on Gary who is making matters worse?!
    Is it me or is Toyah as obsessed as having a child as Michelle was?No wonder she seemed sympathetic to Michelle.
    It's ridiculous her wanting a child at all costs and I'm disappointed that Toyah's return has just been about her obsession with wanting a baby.

    1. Michelle only became obsessed with being a mother when she was already pregnant. Wasn't she rather recently pressuring Steve to get a vasectomy after she had a pregnancy scare?

  6. Maricha,To answer your question about Michelle,she became obsessed with having a baby after Leanne got pregnant[perhaps jealous of the attention Leanne was getting?].
    I think she and Steve even went on holiday in Ireland on the day of Kylie's funeral in their bid to have a baby leaving no one running the Rovers for the wake.
