Monday 17 April 2017

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 17th April

Happy Easter Monday, Corristas! Have you spent your day in the traditional way, i.e. sprawled on the sofa eating leftover chocolate?

Michelle and Robert are bank holiday lazy in bed but everyone else is busy busy busy. Mrs Kitchen is threatening to go on that TripAdvisor to give the salon a bad review after she is left waiting by David (man), so he hands over David (canine) and his house keys to Shona so she can take the pooch home. She picks up a pic of Kylie, helps herself to some cereal and then pokes around upstairs. Unfortunately, Gail and Sarah return and discuss how David tried to blow up the prison van holding Clayton. Shona reveals herself and threatens to tell Anna that the accident wasn't and storms off to get a very last minute visiting order to see her....son! Clayton! in Youth Offenders. She tries to explain her lax parenting but he tells her he wants nothing more to do with her. Back on the street, she reveals all to Gail: Clayton left Shona to live with his dosser dad and bad lad Macca and from them on, he was on the path to becoming a murderer. Gail tells her: Nobody sets out to raise a monster. Well, she should know. They strike a deal:- Shona won't tell anyone about David if Gail doesn't tell anyone about her. Well, not until David and Shona are dating, I presume.

Meanwhile, Rosie and Sophie have gone a-troll hunting. Rather than looking under a bridge, they follow their Weatherfield Gazette lead to a dodgy looking estate. They spy someone who was at the LGBTQI event and confront her, but she claims that it's her stepmum doing the trolling.

Webster Senior is trying to build bridges with Ty, offering to spend some of David's Anna's money on steak (10 oz) and chips. Fiz is tempted by the sticky toffee pudding and so there's a Webster-Windass/Dobbs-Stape reunion in the Bistro and some bridges are un-burnt (unlike the garage). Tim and Sally are supposed to join them, but Sally is anxious about going outside. Another one not wanting to be there is Fay(e), who has arranged with Phelan to go see Seb - in the same Young Offenders Institute as Clayton.

Maria must have come round to do a job lot chez Barlow as Adam, Daniel and Tracy have all had their hair cut. Adam's investigating Denise's whereabouts, whereas she is doing some mysterious errands. Luke inadvertently reveals to Adam that he wasn't with Tracy the whole evening that Ken was attacked and Adam changes the focus of his suspicions from Daniel to Aunty Tracy.

Michelle's only been acting manager for a day and she's already making personal calls in work time, being rude to customers (Leanne) and canoodling with the boss. Looks like she'll be as good a restaurant manager as she is a wedding planner.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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  1. A week ago Kevin was practically bankrupt and now thanks to David's inheritance[due to Gary'a threats],he can afford dinner at the bistro with Tyrone?!If Anna is not careful,Kevin will end up blowing all the money.
    Gail showed no concern about David when Sarah told Gary the truth about the crash but now she's begging Shona who was snooping in their home to keep quiet.
    Why didn't she and Sarah just stop talking about it in the first place?!

    1. They thought they were in the safety of their own home, therefore free to discuss anything they wanted. They didn't expect to find someone listening on the stairs

  2. Shona being Clayton's mum won't stay a secret for long now Pat Phelan has spotted her, and will no doubt use the information to his advantage. And talking about Pat, how ape is Anna going to go when she finds out he's been taking Fay/e to visit Seb?!!

  3. I was disgusted with Gary....David gave almost all of his windfall and Gary says it is good for starters? Not right, not right at all.
    As for Michelle, she is already cheapening the bistro with a lunch menu aimed at taking business away from the Rovers. Tacky on more than one level!

    1. Soon the Rovers won't be Steve's so why bother?
      In real life, Michelle's plan wouldn't work anyways.The neighborhood workers that would eat lunch at a pub do it because they don't have the time or money to go to a place like the Bistro every day.
      It would make more sense to try to attract the evening crowd but even then the Bistro would be more likely to attract entirely new people from the rest of Weatherfield than take away from a neighborhood pub's regulars.

  4. Shona had a nerve to even imply for a second that she could reveal what David did when her lousy son is the one who caused all of this. I don't care if she decides to keep her mouth shut after all, if her first instinct was to do that, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

  5. "As for Michelle, she is already cheapening the bistro with a lunch menu aimed at taking business away from the Rovers."

    Bring in Gordon Ramsay, lol.

  6. If everyone knew I was broke and that my girlfriend was given someone else's inheritance to compensate for her pain, suffering and lost wages from an accident, I might treat the nearest and dearest to a meal but not at a restaurant owned by the giver's brother. David didn't give Anna that money to buy steaks for Tyrone; his own kids who could have used a treat. You think he won't find out? A less public backyard BBQ would have made more sense.

    Michelle: I honestly didn't think I could like her less than when she crossed her arms in the Rovers. I was wrong. What a skank, thinking she can be married AND have an affair AND get half when Steve did it only once and when he thought they were over. And think she gets to change the bistro when she's been there literally 5 minutes. Totally unlikeable!

    Mrs Kitchen, there are enough women on the street we don't get to see often enough, why bring in a talking extra? It was nice to see Zeedan and Rana again, tho'.

  7. I want Mrs Kitchen to appear again.

  8. Mrs Kitchen was ace. More of her.

    I'm gobsmacked by Michelle's red-hot financial instincts. A restaurant that serves a LUNCH menu? Good lord, how INNOVATIVE! Get her on Dragon's Den with these brilliant schemes. Maybe don't let her talk though, because, as we saw when she refused Leanne's extended olive branch, she's a stone-cold bitch with no class.

  9. I want to see Mrs Kitchen again, she was top, a pleasant change. Maybe not as a permanent, regular fixture, but in the context she was used, she was excellent. A real battleaxe. More please

  10. Sh*ts gonna hit the fan when they all find out that Nathan is Clayton's father :-)

    1. Macca would be Nathan's son too and surely he would be far too old to have Nathan as his dad

    2. I was under the impression that Macca was Clayton's cousin or uncle? I haven't seen this episode yet, guess I was wrong.

    3. Macca and Clayton were said to be half-brothers. I'm not sure how that helps figure it out though. Obviously they don't have the same mother since Macca looked even older than Shona or Nathan. That either means someone much older than Nathan is their father or that they lied about their family.

    4. I thought Shona said they were step brothers, so I guess at some time Clayton's dad has married Macca's mum.

  11. I couldn't believe that Shona the ex wallet stealer was lecturing Gail about being honest.

  12. Yes, Macca is Clayton's step-brother and Nathan is Shona's ex.

  13. I remembered when Nick first opened the Bistro,he didn't have a lunch menu out of respect for Roy who was a good friend to the family but I guess that's forgotten now that Nichelle has taken over and will destroy Roy's café as well.

    1. Excellent memory. I've seen people at the Bistro during the day but they were getting the same long leisurely meals they'd get at dinner, nothing the usual rushed and busy lunch crowd would pick.

  14. Why should Anna just give Kevin all her money? They've been together two minutes. She has no obligation to bail him out, and doesn't have a stake in the garage. I'm sure all this will backfire when they inevitably split up!

  15. I think that is the point of it create drama.
    But he did not know her for long when she could not afford her rent....
    he let her move in with him. When she went through her burning, he could have
    walked away, but he chose to stay.
    Also I don't think it would occur to her to hold back the money. When she is in a relationship she is in all the way. Her 'family' means everything to her.
    Handing over the money to the benefit of the family unit is still a step up from sleeping with Pat Phelan!
