Saturday 11 March 2017

Kate Oates reveals dark storyline for Ken Barlow

Coronation Street producer Kate Oates has been talking to SoapLife magazine and tells them what she's got planned for the Barlows this spring.

She says: "Ken's been an absolute rubbish father and grandfather. Ironically, he's been the best parent to Tracy and she's not eve his!  Anyway, Ken's increasingly ill-judged attempts at parenting and grandparenting will come back to bite him this spring."

I wonder what that means?  I can't see Adam taking Ken's advice to head back to Canada, can you?  I wonder if that means Adam sticks around and becomes a thorn in Ken's side? 

Intriguing, isn't it? I'm loving the Barlow boys with Ken. Daniel is superb and Adam manages to rub everyone up the wrong way. More please!

Kate Oates also revealed more about:

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  1. Daniel gives me the creeps. I really don't enjoy any of the Barlows and as for dark storylines haven't we already got enough with Nathan? I thought that Kate Oates was supposed to be bringing the humour back to the street? There aren't enough older people in anymore I miss Blanch and her one liners, I even miss Emily!!

  2. I liked Daniel at first, he was different from the usual crop of Corrie men. Now this storyline with the gormless Sinead grates, and my sympathies are turning to Adam, he of the scruffy designer coat and crooked ways - who I couldn't abide at first. Then I hated Tracy for many a year, and thanks to some good writing and great acting by Kate Ford who has grown into the role, I love her scenes.

  3. I'd be quite happy to see the back of Adam. I really like Daniel and the actor and Tracy has finally mellowed just enough to make her tolerable most of the time.

  4. I have to see that as irritated as I have been by Ken lately, it occurs to me that his actions are bringing about feelings in me. He is not blending into the woodwork. If this is down to Kate Oates then good job on her. I love the expanded Barlow clan and I enjoy the differences (good and bad) in the new young lads. I love Peter even when I want to strangle him....and Tracy is one of my personal favourites.
    I think Ken would have given up on Tracy long ago if it had not been for Deirdre and then Amy. Which brings me to something that has been standing out to me in comments lately. People keep saying 'and she isn't even his real kid'. In this day and age, I cannot imagine people saying that about real people who are adopted into they say that?
    Tracy is as much a Barlow as the rest...she was a package deal with Deirdre. She is not just a step child...she was legally adopted. And deep down she loves Ken and is his daugther in every sense of the word. At least that is my opinion...does anyone else feel the same way?

    1. I agree that this notion that Tracy isn't Ken's is irritating. Genetics isn't the only way to be related and if anything Tracy is the only child Ken has parented so why would he be more "related" to near strangers he rarely bothered to visit.
      If anyone is in a position to keep his memory alive long after he's gone it will be her because she knows him better than anyone else.

  5. How long would it take to drive from Weatherfield to Oxford either by car or express bus? I know no Corrie person ever wants to be more than 10 steps from their front door but if Daniel got into Oxford but really wanted to remain with Sinead who needs to stay, would it be reasonable for him to be there during the week and come home on weekends? Or work at home and go in a day or two per week? A masters shouldn't require too many scheduled lectures. Not jazzed about this (or any other) pregnancy story but once the cloak of doom is lifted, I kinda like the bright poet and the sparkly artist together. No one should ever give up a shot at a place like Oxford.

    So agree with you about the whole Barlow clan, although I think Ken has been a good grandad to Amy and Simon, and even Adam when he went to Canada. I love that the original family is back in prominence with robust, distinct characters. Tracy has been fleshed out and is no longer the cringe monster. Peter, always the good brother, still finds his way into nasty messes even without the booze. And Ken FINALLY has something to do, even if it's kinda crazy. Between Adam's deceit, Daniel's dilemma, and the usual Tracy and Peter stuff, plus Amy and Si coming of age, with no Deirdre to buffer things, I think we'll have a lot of Please Don't Die Now Ken moments.

    1. I agree!! You are so right!!!

    2. "No one should ever give up a shot at a place like Oxford". Unless they're a Corrie St character. Todd Grimshaw anyone? He sabotaged his A Levels - and Oxbridge opportunities - so he could Look after Sarah and their baby. And that worked out soooo well... Wouldn't it be fab if it could be contrived so that Todd and Daniel talked about it - learn from my mistakes etc.

    3. Totally agree. Besides how could the pittance he'd earn waiting tables be that much more than he'd get from student loans or bursaries?
      Also, a MA program in most subjects requires a lot more learning on your own or through research in the field than sitting in a classroom like you do to get an undergraduate degree so you're right that Daniel would have a lot more control over his schedule than is being implied by this being a "dilemma" between baby and degree.
      This is different than Todd's situation with Sarah. He was going to start an undergraduate degree and that's like taking on a full time unpaid job for a few years. It does happen that some manage to have a baby while doing that but it's much harder to do. Not going to school was a mistake on his part but at least it could be justified.

  6. Love the re-invigorated Barlow family, especially Daniel.

  7. Daniel is turning into a creepy control freak, mark my words.

    1. I think they'll both soon turn into nightmare partners.
      He knows Sinead was impressed with him because he was an intellectual and represented something totally different from duty-bound Chesney so deciding to give up on Oxford isn't wise. What will happen when she gets bored with Daniel after he too turns into a worker bee?

      I've seen them compared to Ken and Deirdre but a key difference is that they were fully grown when they got involved. Neither could say the other had held them back from developing their full potential. Both Sinead and Daniel will be able to blame each other and seem the type to do just that.

  8. I agree with the sentiment that surely things have changed enough in society that comments of Tracy not being Ken's child because they're not biologically related should grate and be called out for the nonsense that they are.
