Saturday 18 March 2017

Exclusive! Blog interviews with Coronation Street stars

Our blogger Graeme has been busy over the last few weeks, interviewing past Coronation Street stars - and with some panache too!  In case you've missed any of Graeme's wonderful interviews, here they all are for your delectation. I highly recommend them for reading with your feet up on the sofa, a cuppa and a nice chocolate biscuit to hand.

Read Graeme's exclusive interviews with:
Graeme also blogs about his passion for the Carry on Films and his own blog is definitely worth a look. It's Carry on Blogging and it's here!

The Carry on Fan Blog is also on twitter and facebook too.

Please read our advice for leaving comments on the Coronation Street Blog
All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License

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