Wednesday 1 March 2017

Do the little things, Corrie!

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus i chi! (Happy St. David's Day to you!)

St. David's proverb was "Gwnewch y pethau bychain" which translates to "Do the little things!". A couple of years ago I posted a blog urging the writers and producers of Corrie to include the little things that make Corrie special.

One of the things I enjoy to do after a day's work is sit down and watch old Corrie episodes on YouTube on my phone/iPad. There are some fantastic channels dedicated to Corrie that share vintage and classic episodes, clips and specials. While the production side of things has changed significantly over the years which is a positive thing, there is one thing I yearn to see return to our favourite show.

The long scenes between characters talking about 'nowt'. How I've enjoyed seeing Alf, Deirdre, Audrey and Ivy discussing the going-ons of the street in the corner shop for about 5 minutes back in 1986. Or even Ken, Deirdre and Blanche having a discussion over the breakfast table as recent as 2002. Although that is 15 years ago by now! How time flies!! 

Stuart Blackburn once promised that Corrie would return to its roots. I can't remember seeing that! Kate Oates has promised the same. One thing I do like about her reign is the surprise element which is certainly a huge feat in this world of spoilers! What has been promised with the increase in episodes is that the scenes will be longer so who knows, maybe we'll see a return to 5 minute scenes in the Kabin between Rita, Norris, Yasmeen, Brian and Mary where we'll see a return to fantastic and funny dialogue.

Many viewers don't want slapstick humour to make them laugh. An insult or remark can still make people laugh. You just have to think about Blanche, Ena Sharples, Hilda Ogden or Betty Turpin and smile.

While we have had more references to the past that I do constantly ask for, a little more would be great. I suppose we have to be grateful for small mercies.

But yet again on St. David's Day I kindly ask the powers that be to 'do the little things' - more humour and less drama and return Corrie to what makes it unique to all the other soaps.

by Llifon Jones

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  1. I hope when the show goes to six episodes a week that we have more of the slower paced scenes. There are several places where rambling conversations can happen: the Rovers, the Kabin, Streetcars, and how about using the community centre?? If ever there was a place for such conversations, it's here. Make Freddie the caretaker/odd job man and Tim can pop in for endless cups of tea until Yasmeen chases him out.

  2. I love those pointless scenes or conversations which are there purely for our entertainment rather than part of a bigger storyline. Brits are good at inane chat and gossip and it fits very well into Corrie!

  3. Great post Llifon! I agree about the charm and usefulness of these filler scenes. They're fun to watch and give better insight into characters. For example the scenes at the allotment with Tim and more recently Rosie, Sophie and Brian were a nice distraction from the heavier storylines running alongside.

  4. Llifon, can you give us some specific dates or episode numbers for your favourite "little things" clips? Thanks!

    1. Hi.

      Oh there are countless. There are classic ones on the 80s DVDs, mainly between 1980 and 1986.

      Another one is from January 1999 where the residents discuss Alf's death. I think that's on YouTube.

      You'll find countless examples in episodes in the Rovers, Corner Shop or Kabin between say 1977 and 1986. Just google them on YouTube 😊
