Saturday 4 March 2017

Corrie weekly update – Tequila, babies and men behaving badly

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Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned in Coronation Street and Michelle is that woman this week. She demands a divorce from Steve and 50% of what he owns, including the pub.  Liz tells Steve that she’ll sell her share too and they decide to put the Rovers up for sale.

It’s Rita’s (85th… sssh) birthday this week but no-one remembers, not Norris, or Gemma or Jenny.  Norris finally realises the significance of the date and treats Rita to a drink in the Rovers just as Michelle goes into meltdown. Liz and Steve are locked out of their own pub as Michelle gives free drinks to those inside in a lock-in.  Making the most of Michelle’s marital mess Rita has champagne for her birthday.

Robert’s predatory nature surfaced again this week and I’m not liking it one little bit. Realising Michelle’s on her own in Maria’s flat, he pops round with a board game and a bottle of booze.  If the booze had been white wine, I might have thought he was offering the hand of friendship and a shoulder to cry on. If it had been red wine, I might have thought he was after a bit of snogging on the sofa with Mrs McD. But the bottle of booze was tequila and the board game was Scrabble so I think Robert had more on his mind that getting a triple word score.  A heart-breaking scene ended this week’s episodes when Michelle saw  Steve bent over Oliver’s pram, giving his baby a kiss in front of Leanne. “I’ll get that bitch for this,” hissed Michelle.

Meanwhile, Steve tells Leanne he wants to be part of Oliver’s life, after Michelle ups and leaves him. Leanne isn’t happy about this and asks Peter to have a word with Steve, which he tries to do and fails.  Nick’s not best pleased that Steve’s worming his way into their lives but it’s what Steve wants and as Steve’s the dad, that’s what Steve will get. However, I’m not convinced that Steve is actually the baby’s dad and I think it might be Peter’s.  Cast your minds back to June last year, and with the episode review on Corriepedia, Leanne and Simon went to Portsmouth to stay with Peter.  Just saying.

Mary reveals this week she once worked as a blacksmith. Is there anything this funny little woman hasn’t done? She flirts with Adam Barlow in the florists this week when he comes in to help Tracy.  Adam’s got business on his mind when he reads in the paper about a local drug dealer – he’s still got Rosie’s cocaine to sell, you’ll recall.

Speaking of Rosie, she was whistled at this week by a builder on the building site. Yes, it appears that builders have moved in at the site of the old Nuttall’s brewery and they’re renovating it to become…  a new brewery! This has come out of nowhere but clearly indicates a new set for when Corrie goes to six episodes per week.  I’m not complaining though, as Gary Windass is working on the building site. Anyway, Sally’s not happy that the builder has been whistling and harassing Rosie.  Sally stages a protest with a loudspeaker, shouting down sexism in the Street. Supported by Rita – who chains herself to the building site in protest – along with Erica, Rana, Yasmeen and Brian, Sally creates an obstruction to the building site in protest at the builder’s remarks.  Sally feels she needs to make a stand to help Rosie as she feels she’s let her daughter down after Rosie tells her that modelling life in London wasn’t all that. Rosie reveals to her mum that her career had soured and she had no work, no boyfriend, no home - and she got sacked too.

Over at Roy’s Rolls, Gail loses her purse and blames Shona for stealing. The purse turns up later at Gail’s house but she doesn’t apologise to Shona. She does, however, don her pinny in the café and help Shona serve. I like to see Gail working in the café, it was a throwback to the days when she used to work there with Alma and I’d like to see more.

Sinead finds out she’s pregnant this week. She tells aunty Beth it can’t be Chesney’s kid as they haven’t had you-know-what since before Christmas. Daniel finds the pregnancy test in the flat and he and Sinead sit down to write a list of pros and cons about having a baby. There are lots of cons on their list but only one pro “Cos it might be nice?” warbles soppy Sinead. Ken’s not happy about Daniel’s developing relationship with the ‘intellectually inferior’ Sinead so heaven only knows what he’ll say when he finds out she’s up the duff with a Barlow baby.

And finally this week, Bethany gets a contraceptive implant. It’s clear evil Nathan’s grooming plan is coming on as he wants, with Mel’s help. But what he hasn’t reckoned on is Bethany’s mum Sarah nicking her daughter’s phone, taking Nathan’s number and giving him a ring to invite him round for tea.

And that’s just about that for this week. 

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This week’s writers were Ellen Taylor (Monday double); Ben Tagoe (Wednesday); Simon Crowther (Friday double). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at

Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at

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  1. Sally is a Councilor and she needs to stage a protest to get action? If the workers are harassing passersby she could simply mention it at a council meeting and the brewery's site would be getting nearly daily inspections to keep the builders on their toes to say nothing of more frequent police walk or drive bys.

    Why does Sinead think it would be nice to have a baby with a man she's recently started to date, knows just applied to attend university and is sharing a small flat with his relative? I thought she had more sense than this.

  2. Agree about Sally. Hardly appropriate behaviour for a councillor but it's just a plot device, leading up to a storyline with Rosie and the local newspaper. Anyway, in the UK, this kind of sexual harassment is going to be defined as hate crime. Now, there's a potential storyline with the residents having opposing views about wolf-whistling. Sally only needs to tip off the local constabulary and the builders would soon get a warning from the police.

  3. i enjoyed the running gag in Friday Pt 1's episode about whether Peter was Steve's best mate. Clever writing which was well delivered by Leanne, Toyah, Peter, Steve and Liz.

    I was left wondering this week whether Michelle will become Tracy-Barlowesque towards Leanne; just as we discover that the real Tracy was really quite a softy all along.
