Wednesday 1 March 2017

Coronation Street's new cop shop

Another great guest blog post from Coronation Street fan Rob Coates. 

Rob has already written for us on the subjcts of
And now, it's over to Rob...

"One of the things I love most about television is set design. So when my favourite show announces that it will be expanding its exterior set (see the plans here), I'm hooked, wanting to know every last detail.

When Corrie decided to move from Quay Street, I searched Google daily for leaked pictures of the new set. I compared pictures to the old set. I was utterly obsessed. So with news that Weatherfield is getting bigger, I was thrilled.

However, there is one thing that is worrying me... the new Police Station. Will a permanent station mean lots more stories involving the police and crime? I really hope not. I guess my fear is that once the set is built, the writers will be encouraged to use it in their scripts.

As we all know, Corrie does comedy very well and this is the direction I hope it will move in rather than much more crime.

Though, perhaps I have nothing to worry about. Some sets over the years have been such terribly boring places that they either end up changing or disappearing.

The Community Centre barely gets used, which is no bad thing as the place has no soul. And is clearly the size of an old butchers shop.

Back when the kebab shop was D&S Hardware, it barely saw screen time - and the set was as interesting as 'Weatherfield Bus Routes of the 1970s,' a book that I'm sure Roy must own.

Barlow's Buys lasted only a couple of years before it became the much prettier Preston's Petals.

I don't believe we ever saw the interior of the charity shop which occupied the premises where the salon is now, but that's because it sounds utterly boring. We all love Emily, but stories of her working in a second-hand shop were, thankfully, kept to an absolute minimum.

And we've had a GP surgery for many years now, but the writers only seem to use it when it fits the story, rather than write a story that would purposely use the set more often.

So, though a Police Station may feature in the extended set, it doesn't necessarily mean it will be used very often.

Here's hoping."

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  1. Thanks Rob. I'm also worried that a police station set would lead writers in the wrong direction but then again, things are regularly built and then rarely seen again on Corrie as you've pointed out. When was the last time we've seen Sally's Conservatory or most residents' back yards come to think of it?

  2. Totally agree Rob! Fingers crossed for less crime & more comedy on Corrie!
