Thursday 30 March 2017

Coronation Street Weds 29th March episode review

Hiya! It's just Jordan with this week's (Not on A) Wednesday review!
It's that time again - that time where ratings need pushed and hashtags need created. Now, the real whodunit here is who on earth suggested doing yet another whodunit on Corrie?  As the whole country saw on Monday night, Ken was mysteriously found at the bottom of the stairs, with several contrived suspects lined up just beforehand. The Barlows are waiting for news in the hospital, a place where Tracy points out they spend more time at than home. Adam suddenly saunters in, apparently having just hopped off a flight from Canada -  a claim I don't believe for one minute.

Mercifully, Wednesday's episode did not focus too heavily on the show's hundredth whodunit, but we do see things take a sinister turn when a doctor at the hospital asks the reception to contact Weatherfield police. Oh, hurrah! We are reunited with DS Mackinnon because there are no other police officers in Weatherfield. After waiting for her pantomime pyrotechnic of smoke to clear, the police officer - who is now lacking her infamous plait - delivers the news that this is in fact now an attempted murder investigation. 

Strangely (or maybe not since this is a soap), DS Mackinnon seems to have mellowed a little bit since she exercised her vendetta against Maria. Each twisted branch of the Barlow family tree reacts slightly differently to this blow, some quickly turning their heads away and some simply hit by shock. However, this blogger couldn't help but notice the vacant, somewhat uncouth expression of Amy Barlow, especially after an earlier scene in which sort-of cousin Adam told Amy the messages they had exchanged need to be deleted.
Dozy Rosie has got an idea up her sleeve to help Kevin with his debts, but is one that Our Pal Sal will not approve of. She's rang her old modelling agency, and as luck would have it they've offered her a photoshoot. Glamour modelling. Of course, Saint Sophie tries to talk her out of it but all Rosie can think of is the money. However, the idea of glamour modelling would not fit in well with Weatherfield's very own Emily Pankhurst and her campaign for women and the mastectomy bras Underworld are making. Over a conversation at the Metcalfe-Webster dinnertable, Sal berates the spelling of her  Twitter followers and then invites Rosie to join her on the radio to discuss the bra production, as someone who used to do glamour modelling and has now "seen the light", thereby creating yet another dilemma for the four at number four.
"Who was that on the phone?"
"Come on,, it's never no-one with you!"
Elsewhere, Brian bumbles his way out of the flat above the cafĂ© and onto a not-date to the theatre with Cathy, all unbeknownst to Roy. For now, anyway. Oh, and Johnny and Jenny (what would their powercouple name be??) have decided to bring the wedding forward to July. Johnny sent Jenny off gleefully with his credit card.  Daft man!
A bit of a short review, I know but I had a busy (exciting!) day yesterday and I've a busy weekend ahead. So - I found Wednesday's episode a little flat but I am, as always, looking forward to where the smaller storylines are headed rather than the ratings-grabbers. Whodunit? Whocares? One thing I would like to know though -  did Ken's kettle survive?
Anyway, as always
Thanks for reading! Until next week!
Twitter - @JordanLloyd39

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for the review!

    Adam is Amy's cousin, isn't he? Not her uncle. He's the son of Susan, who was Peter's twin and therefore Tracy's adopted sister.

  3. Ah yes he is! Sorry about that and thanks for pointing it out. Such a confusing family! Haha!
