Saturday 25 March 2017

Coronation Street spoiler: Phelan's next victim revealed

Coronation Street villain Pat Phelan is a coward, we know that. He goes after the weak and the old. And in next week's Coronation Street, we'll see him go after Ken.

Inside Soap magazine reveal that with all the bother going on inside No. 1 for Ken, he takes out his rage and frustration on Pat Phelan. Ken argues with Phelan about how long it's taking for him to finish the kitchen.

Phelan isn't a man to get on the wrong side of, but Ken doesn't know that of course.  Could Phelan be set to teach Ken a lesson?

Mind you, in the preview pictures for next week, we also see Phelan getting his revenge on Todd for making a show of him after spooking him out. But by 'eck, it was funny.

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  1. Ken has every right to be impatient. Phelan has been "working" on the kitchen for weeks now, with no sign of progress.

  2. I think if would be fitting for one of the younger household members to put Phelan in his place. Maybe Tracy could smack him upside the head with one of Deidre's pottery pieces. Maybe Amy could trip him with her violin bow and send him headlong into a brick wall out back. Or maybe Daniel could vent his frustrations on Phelan with his heaviest literary tome!

  3. Ken has a point, that kitchen renovation is taking forever especially since Phelan has an assistant.
    Adam may be the one to stand up to Phelan as I suspect he's still lurking nearby.
