Tuesday 7 March 2017

Coronation Street spoiler: Gary tackles Nathan

Inside Soap magazine have a good interview this week with Tina O'Brien, who plays Sarah Platt in Coronation Street.  Tina talks about the grooming of Bethany storyline - which is set to become even more dark and disturbing - you can read more on that here.

Tina talks about the grooming storyline where Sarah was herself a victim of a sex pervert too. Back in 2001 Sarah met her internet boyfriend for their first offline date, but Gary wasn't the 19-year-old boy he claimed to be. Gary was an internet stalker, who groomed his young victims online.

Tina says: "Sarah doesn't have a clue that her daughter is about to bring home a guy who's older than her and Gary!"

Yes, that's right - evil Nathan comes round for tea at the Platt house, as you can see by the pictures above.  Sarah goes softly on Nathan, not wanting to get on the wrong side of Bethany but Gary isn't so tactful. He makes it very clear that he doesn't approve of Bethany's new boyfriend.

Also next week, we'll see Bethany give an alibi to the cops for Nathan when another young girl goes missing.

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  1. Are these girls being groomed to be forced into the sex slave trade?

  2. Apart from the natural concern of a mother in relation to a sixteen year old daughter's boyfriend, who has not, as yet, been sighted, Sarah is as dim as a Toch H lamp given that she had an early teenage pregnancy and birth, lost a baby, lived and worked in Milan, and, more importantly, been groomed on-line. As soon as a woman of that experience clapped eyes on this slime bag Nathan geezer, she would know. Sarah is soppy, indecisive and ill characterised as a mother who has had extensive life experience. In life, a man of Gary's resolve and common-sense, would not be attracted to this wet woman who doesn't know what she wants from one day to the next. I know she had a breakdown, but that has been forgotten. Poor, poor Bethany. She needs someone responsible in her corner. Gary can be that person.

    1. Sarah's cluelessness despite her life experience is yet another reason why I can't suspend disbelief and enjoy this storyline. Plus whatever goes for Sarah goes double for Gail who saw Sarah live through it and had plenty of her own mishaps.
