Saturday 4 March 2017

Chesney and Gemma - Yay or Nay?

With Chesney standing up for Gemma's honour, what could happen next for the pair of them?

So - Gemma and Chesney, what do you say? Yay or Nay? I say a big cheesy Yay with extra chilli kebab sauce on top.

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  1. Nope. I like them as friends. I like the idea of Chesney getting a bit of fun in his life, and Gemma getting a bit of grounding, but no romance. It'd be nice if just once, a man and a woman in the show could be friends without any shenanigans.

    1. Totally agree with you; yes to them becoming best friends but that's all.
      Cheney's life was derailed by having a kid when he was himself still a kid and instead of pursuing romance like an older man I wish the writers remembered that he can't be more than 21 or 22 and let him find his way again.
      Why not go back to school where he excelled?
      Gemma is definitely a great, fun loving friend but they've both got a chance to enjoy being free so why waste it on another time wasting romance that turns into a dead end?

  2. I agree with Scott. Ches needs Gemma as a friend and I'd like to see him do something out of character, to liven him up a bit and make work a bit more interesting for the actor who plays him. Have him take up skydiving or something!

  3. I like them as best mates, having fun and even match-making for each other. Tracy and Todd are good as just friends so we know it can work. Chesney doesn't have any mates because he's not blokey like most of the males on the Street and David thinks he's a drip. Gemma might have a gang of female friends but she's trying to ditch them.

  4. Stay best friends. Gemma could be his Wingman. He needs fun and not settling down again. Explore life more.

  5. Stay best friends. Gemma could be his Wingman. He needs fun and not settling down again. Explore life more.

  6. I agree with everyone else. If they feel they need to try this as a romantic pairing, just have them have an awkward kiss or more after a night out, then laugh it off and realize it will never happen, and stay friends.

    I could see Gemma then trying to help Chesney in the future by giving him blunt pointers about her opinion of his technique, based on her experience with him - much to his horror!
