Saturday 4 February 2017

State of the Street - January 2017

I'm a few days late this month with the State of the Street, the days just seemed to get away from me, as they do sometimes, right?

January was a month of loss. Steve and Michelle lost their baby son, born too early. It was gut wrenching and horribly sad. We saw the two ends of grief, with Michelle at the point of suicide and Steve trying with all he was worth to act normally, do day to day things and keeping it all bottled up inside. Losing a child can very easily break a marriage because the grief is so deep and difficult that each parent doesn't know how to comfort the other one. Even if this hasn't put cracks in the marriage, when the inevitable revelation about Steve and Leanne's baby comes out, it will knock it out in no time.

We lost Andy as well, at the hands of Phelan who has now crossed the line. I reckon it will come to a "Who Killed Phelan" mystery at some point and there will be any number of possibly guilty parties. The one arrested won't be the one that did it, of course, and the one that did will likely be an "expendable" cast member. If it happens, may I just state here that my guess is that Vinny returns and will be the one that engineer's Phelan's demise.

It looks very much like loss of another kind as we see Chesney and Sinead's relationship limp to an end and even a trendy new hairdo isn't going to save it. Ken is making plans for the end of his life, too, with a new will and a DNR order if the worst happens. I felt bad for Tracy. Her mother's death hit her quite hard and that makes it more difficult to think about her father's inevitable death.

Adam lost his claim on the factory altogether with a great scam by the Connor's and Alya. He only wanted the money anyway which makes me wonder why he's so broke. Now that he's whining about Ken behind his back I can see he's got a whopping big chip on his shoulder. Maybe Adam is the new Peter with a big grievance against Ken.

There's more January round up over at State of the Street. 

Tvor @tvordlj on Twitter  

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  1. Thanks Tvor. It does seem like there's nothing but loss however, it's necessary. A lot of it will lead to characters going forward. After Sinead got better, we essentially stopped seeing her and Chesney anyways. Steve and Michelle just don't work. Neither do Anna and Kevin.
    Also, Ken isn't getting any younger so if they want to wrap up loose ends and have Peter and Tracy settle their lives a bit while having him reconnect with Daniel, time is probably running out.

  2. Since Steph knows what Phelan is capable of, and Andy is a no-show at their destination, I wonder if it is Steph that will come and bring down big Phelan? I certainly hope it is someone unexpected at any rate.
