Friday 3 February 2017

Saucy script snippets found on old Coronation Street set

Remember those heartbreaking pictures of the old Coronation Street set that we posted some weeks ago? Have a look at them here to remind yourself.

Well, the Manchester Evening News now has another revelation to make about something else that's been found on the old set.  They call it a wall of smut but it's not smutty, it's saucy and fun. It's a noticeboard full of double entendres taken from old sCorrie scripts.

The urban explorer who took the pic, who didn’t want to be named, told the M.E.N: “Who knows who put them up... I just found them stuck to the wall outside the studio so could have been anyone. It was a wall of smut really. When I saw the snippings it did make me laugh. It was probably the most entertaining thing I’ve come across on my explorations. I think the humour of Corrie, which judging by the photo, is also inherent in its cast and crew, is what makes it so popular - especially with us northerners.”

When approached by the M.E.N, a spokesman for the show declined to comment. A source told the MEN: “They are very old scripts - nearly seven years old.”

And they are still, very, very funny and part of the reason we all love Coronation Street as much as we do.

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