Monday 6 February 2017

Preview of tonight's double Coronation Street - Mon 6 Feb

Monday 6th February
SOPHIE COMES HOME WITH MORE THAN DUTY FREE With things still tense between him and Anna over the compensation claim Tyrone adds to Kevin’s woes by reminding him he needs to sack Sophie. Sophie arrives home from Miami and dragging Kevin outside, tells him she’s brought him a surprise. Kevin’s thrilled when Rosie emerges from the taxi. As Rosie drags her vast amount of luggage into the house she talks nonstop nonsense. Kevin and Sophie are amused whilst Anna wonders what’s hit her. But it seems Rosie’s return has brought more trouble for Kevin when the police arrive with a warrant to search the house!
LEANNE REELS TO LEARN ABOUT NICK’S PLANS Leanne is stunned to discover that Nick planned to propose to her meanwhile Peter reveals to Ken and Adam that he’s in a relationship with Toyah. Peter’s surprised when Chloe gets in his cab again and telling him he’s a good listener, asks him to just drive.
GEMMA SUGGESTS CHESNEY GIVES SINEAD SOME SPACE Chesney begs Sinead to move back into their room but Sinead insists she’s fine on the sofa. Seeing Chesney looking really sad, Gemma decides they should try and make Sinead jealous. But Sinead pours her heart out to Daniel.
ELSEWHERE The girls celebrate Kate’s last day at the factory with cake and card. Kate’s touched. Shona discovers a cuddly rabbit on the floor in the café. Unaware whose it is, she drops it in the bin. When David calls in the café looking for Lily’s cuddly bunny, Shona denies all knowledge, guiltily realising it must be the same toy she chucked in the bin. Bored and looking to cause trouble, Seb breaks into the back yard of No.11 and steals a power tool and a t-shirt. Faye’s horrified. Unbeknown to them, Phelan clocks their actions from an upstairs window.

Monday 6th February
THERE’S SOMETHING NASTY IN ROSIE’S LUGGAGE Explaining that they have reason to believe there are illegal drugs in the house, the police search Rosie and Sophie’s luggage. What has Rosie been caught up in? Kevin admits to Sophie he’s in financial straits because of her medical bill, the loss of the tow truck and the fire at the garage. Sophie feels terrible.  Rosie shows the contents of her toilet bag to Sophie explaining it’s just some treats for her boyfriend’s mate in Manchester - but what exactly are the ‘treats’.
DANIEL AND SINEAD MAKE A CONNECTION Having borrowed the keys from Johnny, Sinead lets Daniel into the factory where he beavers away at his studies whilst Sinead does some sewing. Alone in the factory, Daniel reads a poem to Sinead and likens her to the main character. The spark between them is evident.
LEANNE GIVES NICK ANOTHER CHANCE Leanne bursts into the bistro kitchen and waving the engagement ring at Nick, asks him to propose to her. Is it too late?
ELSEWHERE Shona climbs in the café food bin and retrieves Lily’s cuddly bunny. Shona returns Lily’s toy to David explaining she found it in the bin. David’s grateful and asks her to drop it at No.8. Phelan accosts Seb and Faye in the ginnel and marches them back to No.11. Eileen suggests Phelan should report Seb for theft but Phelan has other ideas and tells Seb he can help him rip out a kitchen as his punishment. Faye’s relieved. Peter suggests Toyah move in with him at the bookie’s flat..

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  1. Rosie's storyline is off to a silly start. If drugs are suspected to be in your luggage shouldn't they have been searched for and discovered by the authorities at the airport?
    Wouldn't the Café have a lost and found where the toy should have been kept instead of being thrown out right away?

  2. I really am not a fan of Kate Oates. Since she came, the show seems to have lost its heart. Light and shade balance is off in favour of miserable storylines. I was not happy with the decision to split Roy and Cathy and now, the story telling is all plot based. There is little character based material anymore and no consistency. It seems aimed at younger people and more casual viewers. It just doesn't feel anything like the show it was. I respect that other people might like these changes, but it's not for me. Also, I'm puzzled by bringing characters back when the cast is oversized already.

  3. Why on earth would you throw a soft toy in the bin? I hope this isn't a device to set up Shona and David

  4. We've said for a long time that it would make sense for family members to return, as they would in reality. However, several are coming back at the same time: Rosie, Toyah, Peter. It's hard to invest in so many stories. Rosie and Sophie are the young comedic characters. Hope it's not more fun for the actresses than it is for the viewers.

    I do get a sense that the practice now is to throw a lot of stories and characters in the air and see which ones land safely. With six episodes a week, maybe that's the way to go but it makes for very superficial viewing.

  5. I am inclined to agree that the cast is oversized. This may mean that wee see much less of secondary characters such as Brian, Cathy, Mary, Norris and possibly Rita and Roy. This may be why we have not seen Mary since early January as the new characters have to get their storylines first which doesn't leave much room for everybody else. I don't think we've seen Erica for a while either and Dev and Audrey have only made brief appearances so far this year. Even Gail seems to have disappeared; I think she's yet to appear this year too. In view of this I think we can safely say that Emily will definitely not be coming back as it would be very difficult to fit her in anywhere now. It would also not surprise me if Ken was indeed going to be killed off to make way for the new blood. The show is definitely not what it was. I appreciate that some people may prefer it in it's new form but character driven storylines seem to be a thing of the past in favour of violence and bed-hopping.

  6. I too am not a fan of Kate Oates. She was lauded too much as the saviour of Corrie by those who disliked Stuart Blackburn, but I think she has begun to ruin it.

  7. Kates stories are worse than anything of Blackburns

  8. I don't know who is in overall charge but no matter how much the fans complain and switch off, they're not taking any notice. For some reason they don't seem to care, they are hellbent on ruining the once superb style of Corrie. The change isn't working, it's not the Corrie we know and love.
    If they don't do something, and quick, Corrie will suffer the same fate as Brookside.

  9. Corrie will probably not be scrapped in the immediate future as there is too much money invested in it, such as the new outdoor set and it's planned expansion. However, I think it's character will change drastically from now on, possibly irrespective of who happens to be the producer at the time. I do wonder if Eileen Derbyshire's departure was partly to do with unhappiness on her part on the kind of storylines which were being written. My guess is that from now on we will see less and less of eccentric and engaging characters such as Norris and Mary in favour of attractive young characters such as Daniel and Adam Barlow and the various members of the Connor clan. As I have said before, Mary's abscence for a few weeks now makes me wonder if the future of the character is under review. Not everyone was happy with the prospect of Roy marrying Cathy, but I also wonder if leaving him as a solitary figure who does not really fit in anywhere might make his future less than secure also. We don't see that much of Rita these days and it would not surprise me if Barbara Knox chose to retire in the not too distant furure. The prospect of Ken having a second stroke so soon after the first one does not bode well for the character; I think it will either kill him or leave him so disabled that he can only make occasional appearances before eventually passing away, possibly leaving Peter as head of the Barlow clan. The DNR thing does seem rather ominous.

  10. I am not looking forward to Rosie's return. I just hope the character has matured slightly in her absence. To me, the anticipated returns of Brian and Toyah have been far from successful, so I am filled with dread about Rosie's return now too

  11. Why the hell have corrie brought back Rosie Webster? I thought her return tonight was awful and cringe worthy

  12. Rosie's reappearance was totally embarrassing, overacting by the bucket load. It is a shame for the lady playing her, because she has contributed good performances in the past, I remember particularly the episodes with John Stape.
