Saturday 4 February 2017

Couples without chemistry on Coronation Street

Much as I am loving having Toyah Battersby back on Coronation Street, it's clear there's no chemistry (for this fan, at least) between her and Peter Barlow.  As if having to invest in the storyline where Peter and Toyah somehow just happened to bump into each other months ago off-screen wasn't enough, we're now being forced to believe that these two work together. In my mind at least, they don't.

Toyah is a fantastic character, as is Peter Barlow. Both are extremely watchable and we're invested in their characters and history on the show. But together? Nope. As a couple? Hell, no.

What happened to Toyah's footloose and fancy-free ways, her dreams of becoming a journalist?  Where has the girl gone who slept under the stars with Spider?

The girl who campaigned to save the world and the, er, wrongly spelled "Whorey Ground Wort?"  The girl who joined the Prawn Liberation Front at Frescho and who tried to save the world?

Are we really to believe that someone like Toyah - headstrong, ambitious, intelligent - would take up with womanising Peter Barlow?  It doesn't ring true for me.  Bring back Spider for her - and soon!

Another couple that's been hard to watch as their relationship dragged its way across the cobbles has been Anna and Kev.  If their latest fall-out leads to Anna moving out with FayE this would cheer me up no end.

Zeedan and Rana are another snore-fest in our house. The only saving grace for this whole famly is the wonderful Yasmeen, of whom we see far too little.

Finally, and about time too, Sined and Chesney look set to go their seperate ways. Give Chesney a storyline, he's put the hours in and now deserves to shine. He's never been the same since Schmeichel passed away.

And before I sign off on this blog post, here's a little mention to those Coronation Street couples who do have the spark between them. Those couples with the little bit of magic that makes them watchable on screen, for me, are Jenny and Johnny; Billy and Todd; Sally and Tim; Kirk and Beth; Steve and Michelle; Eileen and Phelan.

Which current Corrie couples do you think work - and which do you dread seeing together on screen?

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  1. Surely you meant to say Sally and Tim have screen chemistry. Quite enjoying the new relationship blooming between Daniel and Sinad. It feels exciting like new love should. I think that Chesney and Gemma would make a great comedic couple too.

  2. What do you think of Tracy and Luke?

  3. I am actually enjoying Peter and Toyah as a couple , they both could work. I really do hope Peter doesn't cheat like he has on his other women. I hate Anna and Kevin though that's boring. I really can't wait until Michelle gets with Robert as her and Steve where once ok but now they are bloody crap together. Also thank god Chesney and Sinead are splitting up , at least her and Daniel have got actual chemistry.

  4. Agree with your assessment 100% Flaming Nora. I always thought Peter and Leanne worked but as you say, Peter and Toyah - no.

  5. Tracy and Luke? Gag me. So uncomfortable watching those two but he's going to be toast soo anyway so it doesn't matter. I don't find Peter and Toyah the least bit believable as OTT lovers..I found Peter at his best with Carla. Steve and Michelle don't come across as two people who love each other either.

  6. Gary and Sarah are another couple who I think have no chemistry.
    I wonder why would Gary want to date the sister of the man who is responsible for his mother's burn injuries?
    As for Sarah,after all they went through with Callum [because of her and Bethany]she needs to focus more time on her daughter than her love life!
    The pairing seems a contrived ploy to justify storylines for these characters.

    1. I disagree entirely. I have no problem seeing why those two would be attracted to each other. They also have their children in common. Plus there is the long-standing David/Gary tensions in the background to ensure the relationship will never be too ordinary.

  7. I can see exactly why Toyah was attracted to Peter beyond the obvious. She was drifting, drowning in a sea of misery. Failed IVF over and over and her marriage was in tatters. She needed a lifeboat and that's what Peter is.

    1. Wonder if we'll ever find out why Peter turned up on Corrie looking like he'd been in a fight. Toyah's husband only seems to have discovered the affair recently.

  8. Well, what a provocative blog! I wouldn't say Eileen & Phelan and Steve & Michelle have a spark of magic. They are in another category: the rub-along couples who are just *there*. There's chemistry between Tracy & Amy. We don't see them together often so maybe those scenes get special attention from writers and directors. I thought Audrey & Freddie might have a spark but that relationship has fizzled out. Fiz & Tyrone used to have a spark but not any more. Leanne & Nick were great until they messed about with Nick but this is leading up to his departure. I wonder if the reason Peter & Toyah doesn't work is because neither of the actors believe in it.

  9. I really dislike Sinead, always have, she is too airy fairy and just seems so gormless all the time. However, I don't like Daniel sniffing around her when he knows she's with Chesney - he is just contributing to her breaking Chesney's heart. The ungrateful biatch.

    1. I didn't like it when they paired Chesney with Sinead and it seems to me that she was the one after him back then.
      He did stand by her when she was injured and feared she'd never walk again, but that was his choice, she didn't guilt him into it so I don't view her wanting to move on as ingratitude.
      I did think she was the dull one in that couple until recently so this break up might be best for Chesney in the long run.

    2. The writers and Sam Aston need to binge-watch his early performances as a child. Where did that adorable imp go? If they can't find that sparkle again then, I'm sorry, he needs to go.

  10. Not only was Chesney an adorable imp, he was also very smart at school. Why don't the writers let some of the characters get further education and find decent jobs off the Street? Sophie was another one who was very bright at school - and she worked in the corner shop, then her Dad's garage. Let's get real, writers.

    1. Chesney and Sophie should have at least learned a skill. After Katy left with Joseph there was no reason to stick him with Sinead. All the months where we never see him anyways he could have been getting an education. That Sally, who's such a snob didn't push her smart daughter to get an education makes no sense at all.She even tried to further her own studies and seemed on track to go to university herself until Rosie's antics derailed those plans.
      The writers need to see that working class people aren't allergic to school. Faye and Bethany are headed for the same dead end.

  11. nathan and bethany?

  12. Todd and Billy are another uninspired match. Todd's career is floundering, moving from one evil partnership to another. Billy has a calling. They do nothing with friends, they do nothing except drink. They're both smart and gay but otherwise a complete mismatch.

  13. I love Tim and Sally but the couple with the best chemistry for me is without a doubt Todd and Billy. I think the fact that Todd is a bit jaded and devious and Billy is basically a nice guy makes it all the more interesting. Not only are they smoking hot together but they just seem to genuinely get on and gel together as well. Also it's been a joy to finally see Todd let his guard down and allow himself to fall in love. I think it was a fabulous idea for Corrie to put them together and I can't help but root for them.

    1. I'm also totally Team To-lly. There is extraordinary chemistry there. And yes Todd and Billy are polar opposites, but both are fighting demons in their own way. Their relationship has its purpose. Whether they will both be the better off for being together in the long run is part of the intrigue.

  14. Todd and Billy? One hates religion - the other is a рriest, how can that work?

  15. Todd & Billy are smoking hot. But steve & michelle are definately not. Steve works well with difficult women like Tracy. Maybe they could pair him with Jenny flaming Bradley & turn her into a psycho again.


  16. Sean and Norris would be my favourite couple hands down....even though they aren't lovers they certainly could be, would be perfect for each other. But...having to choose a current couple? Slim pickings, but I'd have to go for Tim and Sally if only for the comedy.
