Sunday 12 February 2017

Coronation Street couples who make you cringe

It's almost Saint Valentine's Day. And what beter way to celebrate the most romantic day of the year than with a look back at some of the Coronation Street couples who have made us cringe over the years!
Dev and Deirdre's one-night stand. She wanted more, but the shopkeeper put up his Closed sign and showed her the door.
Kev and Molly's affair resulted in Sally helping Molly to give birth to baby Jack.

That's the Devster again and this time he's at it with Deirdre's daughter Tracy.

Tracy's wedding to Roy was heartbreaking. She conned him into thinking he'd made her pregnant and Roy insisted on doing the right thing and marrying Tracy.
And ooh, look, it's Tracy yet again. This time she was carrying on with Wally Bannister who was her grandma Blanche's fella. Then again, he was a millionaire.

Any more Corrie couples - past or present - who make you cringe?

And just to prove we're not completely anti-romance, here are some of our favourite Corrie romantic moments.

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  1. Eileen and Phelan. Never mind his evil side, they have zero chemistry so it isn't interesting either.
    Tracy sure gets around doesn't she,lol.

  2. Kevin and Anna, well lets just say anyone with Anna, ugh!

  3. The whole Tracy/Wally story became a bit pointless. It wasn't entirely consistent with T's character - if she was simply a gold digger, we would have seen more of that since. From memory, it may have been intended to pitch her against her Grandmother. However, Maggie Jones, who played Blanche, became unwell suddenly and was offscreen for longer than they could string out the storyline. Wally appeared briefly again to rule himself out as a possible father to the embryo who would become the irrepressible Amy (Wal had had a vasectomy). If ever Corrie achieved an Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, this rather tawdry little episode should be one of the first memories scrubbed.

  4. In a similar vein to Kevin and Molly, may I suggest Peter and Tina, young enough to be his daughter. Toyah's dangerously close to that mark, too. Technically she probably is, if he'd become a father in his teens.

    Audrey and Marc, the man that liked to cross dress. While there's nothing wrong with cross dressing, I just couldn't see Audrey in that type of relationship. Plus, the actor wasn't very good, I thought.

    Stella and Jason. Sunita and Karl. Equally cringeworthy and certainly not worthy of Sunita!

    Sophie and Jenna, Never could figure out why Jenna was attracted to Sophie and allowed it to ruin her career.

  5. Tvor nailed it. I had completely forgotten Jenna existed.

  6. Long ago there was a storyline where a young man was in love with his step mom (she'd been his babysitter when he was little so it was very inappropriate). I can't recall their names but it was creepy enough to make me stop watching Corrie for a while.
    They just moved into the street and left within a year or two around the same time as Martin Platt had an affair with that teenager.
    Which reminds me of another cringe-inducing pair:Martin Platt and that teenager who killed her dad and then herself.Yikes!

    1. Long ago ... not long enough for me. Frankie Baldwin and her stepson Jamie - who she'd raised as her own since he was about 3!! I used to scream at the screen. Yuck doesn't even begin to cover it. Especially as up until then I'd loved Frankie. But her character was permanently debased from that point onwards.

      As with Tracey/ Wally above, definitely a memory to be erased via an ESOTSM Corrie-style

    2. Ah, Thank-you! Every time I mentioned this storyline to someone who watched Corrie they acted as if I'd imagined it.
      Sorry I reminded you but glad to know I'm not the only one who thought it was terrible.

  7. Eileen and Paul the fireman. Probably would have been okay, as she was much more likeable back then, had it not been for the still being married thing.

    Gail and Lewis. Ex boyfriend of your mum, just no!

  8. Maricha: that was when Danny Baldwin (played by Bradley Walsh), Mike's secret son but initially introduced as his nephew, was running the factory. He had two sons, a teenager and one around twenty, and the elder one had an affair with his stepmother (played by Debra Stephenson) who must have been twice his age. It was just ridiculous, and unsavoury, because she'd looked after him when he was a small child.

    1. Thanks for fleshing out the memory for me with these details. For the life of me I couldn't remember their names or what they did and any Corrie watcher I mentioned it to just gasped and said, "Not on our Corrie!I don't remember that" Lol!

  9. There was also Lloyd and Mandy. Completely wrong and zero chemistry. They just didn't look right together and that was the problem with Eileen and Paul. Both women looked huge next to their partners. Fine in real life but icky on tv.
