Tuesday 7 February 2017

Adam and Rosie get cosy on Coronation Street

Adam Barlow comes to Rosie Webster's aid next week in Coronation Street, when he offers to bury the drug stash for her.

Inside Soap magazine reveal that Adam takes on the task purely for himself as he manipulates Rosie. He wants to sell the drugs to raise some cash.

Sam Robertson, who plays Adam, tells Inside Soap: "I loved the way Johnny Briggs played Mike Baldwin. He was one of those characters who was a bit of a rascal but dead charming and you liked him. I hope in the long run that Adam is as well liked as Mike was. He was a loveable rogue!"
  • Our blogger Stevie Dawson was invited to ITV to interview Helen Flanagan on Rosie Webster's return to Corrie. Read it here.
  • Our blogger Emma Hynes was invited to ITV to interview Sam Robertson, who plays Adam Barlow. Read it here.

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  1. Thanks FN.
    I'd say getting into drug dealing is a bit more than being a rascal or a loveable rogue. The world has changed since Mike Baldwin's heyday but not that much.

  2. I haven't seen anything about Adam so far to make him 'loveable' in the least. Nasty, scheming, doesn't give a rat's about his family except for what they can do for him.

  3. PS - I did post before about it being a stupid idea to bury something in a place where they dig up the earth! lol

  4. Adam does not hold a candle to Mike Baldwin. I am a very long time Corrie fan and watched Corrie through all the "Mike years". Mike was a ruthless businessman but could be kind and caring. For example paying all of Diedre's legal fees.
    Adam is a phony, self-absorbed jerk.

  5. Anon 14:11 - I would go so far as to say Mike would be ashamed of him.

  6. Mike is a good example of how the characters of old Corrie were multi-layered. Mike had his Achilles heel, namely Deirdre. He also had a wicked sense of humour. Mike's appeal was down to the brilliant portrayal by Johnny Briggs who brought his 'cheeky chappie charm' from his roles in British film comedies. What is Adam's Achilles heel? Daniel, by contrast, could have many sides to his character.

  7. @ Humpty Dumpty, agreed. Mike was multi-layered, but he was also a fixture. When he came into a room, all attention turned his way. This wasn't only down to charisma. It had to do with power as well. If he moved his factory elsewhere, people in the community would lose jobs. If he stopped drinking at the Rover's, there went half their takings. Nobody really depends on Adam's being in or being out of Weatherfield. So I don't think it's only the multi-layered character of the individual, but also the multi-layered relationship the individual has with the society around them. -LK

  8. "In the long run...". Oh no, that sounds like he's going to stick around.

  9. Adam is horrible - the way he spoke of his grandfather after Ken 'spent' a year in Canada caring for him.Where is there a reference to that period and what was wrong with him anyway? Adam may think he looks cool in that ill-fitting coat with hands stuck inside the pockets - is there superglue in there? - but he sure doesn't. One dimensional bore, not funny, not deep, not considerate, just a boorish fool. Lawyer, my foot! No lawyer would come across as such a loser with no ambition to find a new position. POOR,POOR WRITING.

    1. Ken never did say and looking at Adam now I wonder if that was a year spent taking care of him or if it was standing by his side during a criminal trial.
      Not many lawyers in good standing would drop everything to turn up in a small neighborhood with few prospects. Now, as he plans to start up some sort of firm with Todd he's also planning to sell drugs on the side? None of this is adding up.

  10. "Loveable rogue", I hate that expression as it usually describes someone who is a criminal, or at least immoral. Mike Baldwin may have been a tough businessman but he never broke the law, and was kind and generous to friends and neighbours. As others have said, Adam is nothing like him. He is a complete sleaze ball.

  11. Maricha, if the writers haven't already thought of it, they should use your idea about the criminal trial. That makes much more sense.

  12. There is nothing loveable about Adam Barlow, after his remarks about Ken rotting in hell I don't see how there ever could be.

  13. What infuriates me about this storyline (I am watching in Canada) why should Ken have to leave anything to anybody? I absolutely hate the sense of entitlement that some young people have. How much would Ken even have - that pokey little house that I thought he had mortgaged to the hilt to pay for Tracy's legal fees.
