Thursday 5 January 2017

The recurring resident of Weatherfield

If you've read my posts in the past you'll have noticed that I'm rather pedantic about the smallest things in Coronation Street - especially how realistic the show is at times. A viewer on Facebook this afternoon commented that "nobody knows half of their neighbours and then sits around in the pub/cafe all day". Well I for one DO know half of my neighbours, though as I'm underage it's perhaps not best for me to hang around a pub all day.

Anyway, there's one thing regarding realism that I particularly enjoy when watching EastEnders on BBC One and that's the use of recurring 'named extras'. It's something they've been doing since the very start of the show in 1985, and something that I don't think Coronation Street has ever done.

Jane Slaughter as 'Tracey'. Photo: BBC
The most famous of all of these named extras is undoubtedly Tracey, aka Tracey the Barmaid, who (like Ian Beale) has appeared since the show's first ever episode. From time to time, actress Jane Slaughter is given a line, and sometimes, very rarely a scene to herself. She works in the pub - and previously the market, attends weddings and 'looks after' places when other characters are required in other scenes. 

Personally, I think Coronation Street needs to employ their own 'Tracey', or one of her friends from the market, 'Winston', 'Shrimpy' or 'Marie', to free up cast members and to provide more realistic situations. After all, we see people day to day that we speak to though don't hold necessarily hold a great significance in our lives (or storylines in this case). 

What do readers think?

Michael, on Twitter at @MichaelAdamsUk and @CStCollection

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  1. There are a group of non speaking extras that pop up though not as the same character. There's one man, he used to have a lot of dark hair and a dark beard but is now white headed and beared that pops up in the Rovers background regularly and I think he should be one of those occasional characters. The receptionist at the medical centre could be one similar to the female doctor that's there now. She should be seen in the cafe or pub once in awhile too!

  2. Ah, but Fat Brenda is always there, just out of sight...

  3. The postman is a regular chap, although we don't know his name, but i don't know my postman's name.

  4. In a cast this large, there are many actors who rarely get storylines and so fill the role of named extras (Andy, Steph, Sean, Norris, Rita, Fiz, to name a few).

    1. That's what I also think: the cast is so big that those on the back burner serve as extras on Corrie.

  5. There is a group of regular Extras who live in Weatherfield, but unfortunately we don't know many if their names. You often see the factory girls in the Rovers or eating in Roy's. Then there is Liz, the regular waitress in the Bistro, look for her, she's gorgeous, and almost always there, busy serving customers. Also, let's not forget the Renshaw twins, who have had their hair done in the Salon for years. The fellow Diane was referring to has lived in Weatherfield for more than forty years, and his name is Pete Reidy. I think the longest serving residents though have to be Joel David, and real-life wife Maureen. Joel used to be a taxi driver, and would also join in on Rovers events, like talent contests. He is retired now though, and can most often be seen walking the cobbles or attending the odd wedding hand in hand with Maureen.

  6. There's also the Registrar who performs all of the civil weddings at Weatherfield Town Hall (always the same lady) and, as I've noticed quite recently, whenever anyone goes to the police station to report something, it tends to be the same desk sergeant. We don't know their names, but the continuity is to be applauded.

  7. The police officers and medical staff have more storylines than most cast members these days - even court lawyers! :)

  8. Is this an Eastenders advertisement? Wrong blog mate I'm afraid :)

  9. There is also the nurse who looks a lot like Julie and the female police officer.
