Friday 27 January 2017

Spot the Corrie prop - January 27th 2017

For the 2nd week in a row nobody spotted the location of last week's prop. maggie muggins was close in suggesting Eva & Leanne's flat though that's now Eva & Aidan's flat. In fact the silver prancing reindeer could be found in Nick & Leanne's flat.

I spotted this turntable in the background for the first time a couple of weeks ago, I'm pretty sure it's a very recent addition to the set. But whereabouts on Coronation Street can it be found?

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  1. At the Barlow's residence. (The one where Ken, Tracy and Peter live.)

  2. Johnny's flat?

    (When the reindeer candle one was posted I saw that episode with Simon sitting in behind that ornament that night and I did a big facepalm! lol)

  3. Sally and Tims, i think!

  4. Who is the new waitress in the bistro

  5. Who is she. The new waitress.

  6. Well, half an answer was better than none for the prancing reindeer! First time I've had my name on the Corrie Blog!

    I think the turntable is at the Barlows'

  7. It's at Sally and Tim's house. In fact, a new, white all-in-one compact stereo on the top shelf replaced a stack of individual audio components on lower shelves. I'm not entirely sure, but Tim may have moved the components to his allotment shed because he wanted to listen to music while "working."

  8. Speaking of props, did anyone else notice Kevin drinking from a mug with vertical white/purple stripes while at his garage? I've only ever seen those mugs in the Platt's house. I can't figure out how Kevin got hold of one! lol

  9. well you know how it is with props - they get passed around from house to house. I once saw a documentary with BBC radio I think and it showed the "one and only bed" that was on the set. It made me laugh so much considering how many bedroom walls are elastic, but they still have only one actual bed.
