Monday 2 January 2017

Preview of tonight's double Coronation Street - Mon 2 Jan

Monday 2nd January
AIDAN’S DRAWN TO MARIA LIKE A MOTH TO THE FLAME Finding himself without Eva, Aidan goes to see Maria. She tells Aidan how hurt she was when he failed to show for her sentencing. Aidan apologises but can he resist temptation?
BILLY BACKS THE WRONG HORSE IN SHONA Todd confronts Shona over the stolen wallet and tells Billy she’s a common thief. But Billy remains sympathetic and insists he wants to help her. Having taken Shona to the local hostel, Billy does his best to secure her a bed for the night. But is it a case of old habits die hard for Shona?
ANDY IS THE FLY IN PHELAN’S OINTMENT Kevin confides in Anna that Sophie’s medical bill was much higher than expected and he’s had to dip into the garage tax account. In the Rovers, Phelan steals Kevin’s phone. He then contacts the pick-up truck suppliers and masquerading as Kevin, arranges to have the new truck delivered to a different address. Handing Kevin’s phone to Andy, Phelan tells him that his next job is to take delivery of Kevin’s new truck and steal it. Will Andy stand up to Phelan or do as he is told?
ELSEWHERE Jenny tries to talk Johnny out of his plans to retire. When Adam finds out from Peter how he once owned 50% of Underworld but gave it back in return for nothing, he forms a plan...
Meanwhile when Roy discovers from Cathy that Alex now lives in a separate flat as there isn’t room at Yasmeen’s, he feels terrible knowing he’s split up her family. As Roy shows Eric, a potential buyer round the café, Brian forms a plan to scupper the sale and enlists the help of Sally...

Monday 2nd January
AIDAN MAKES AN ENEMY OF THE WRONG PERSON Toyah warns Eva to watch her back with Maria as she’s got form for stealing other people’s boyfriends. Meanwhile Aidan locks horns with Jenny in the factory. Alone, Johnny tells Aidan about Adam’s threat to take the business off them, before warning Aidan to stop messing with other women behind Eva’s back, neither of them sees Jenny enter. Later, Aidan shoves Adam up against a wall, telling him he’ll do everything within his power to stop him getting his hands on the factory. In the Rovers Aidan confides in Alya about Adam and Peter’s plans to sue them. Jenny confronts Johnny demanding to know if Aidan’s having an affair. Johnny confirms that he is but refuses to reveal who with - will Jenny put two and two together and get five?
BILLY WON’T LET SHONA SLIP THROUGH HIS FINGERS In the café, David tells Sarah how Shona returned his wallet and even replaced his cash. Having overheard their exchange, Billy sets off on a mission. Billy tracks Shona down to the bar in town and cajoles her into coming home with him. What will Todd say about Billy’s new friend?
ROY’S BETRAYED BY BRIAN’S PLOY When Roy quizzes Sally about her knowledge of Eric, it becomes clear she knows nothing about him… is Brian’s plan about to unravel? 
ELSEWHERE Phelan calls in the bistro and having shown Andy one of Steph’s bracelets, explains that he has keys to the builder’s yard flat and that unless he plays ball, anything could happen to Steph. Will Andy succumb to Phelan’s demands?

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  1. Why, why, why does Roy feel "guilty" for splitting up Cathy's family?? Not his problem, Cathy's problem.

  2. I'm not a softie who only likes happy stories but there is nothing in the summary that counteracts the 'G's: guilt (as above), gloom, glum, grief, gormless. Not a 'g'iggle in sight.

  3. Not looking forward to more 'dumbing down' of corrie - do we all like to be treated like 5 years old, or is corrie going for a suрer young new target audience? maybe if they storyliners over the age of 15 it might helр :)

  4. that's why I believe that they are trying to make Corrie into another Hollyoakes (Teen drama)

  5. I don't understand why Adam and Peter would have any sort of claim to Underworld. I wasn't watching when Adam lost his share, but if Peter gave Carla back his half why would he have any claim to it now?
    It wasn't as if he had purchased his half. I'm sure Carla just gave it to him on paper to make him feel better. Surely that isn't a legal defense or offense in this case.

  6. I'm also questioning why Roy is the one who's made to feel guilty?
    A few months ago,Cathy was pressuring Roy to buy one of Phelan's flats for Alex but now that Alex has to get a flat it's Roy's 'fault 'for splitting up the family?!
    Why doesn't Cathy get a job, out of Yasmeen's and get a flat with Alex if she's so concerned?
    Better yet they both go back to Scotland!

    1. Neither Alex nor Cathy came from Scotland. It's Nessa that lived there. So why would they go back?

  7. Roy has never said how he feels. He doesn't want to get married but he was happy before the wedding stuff. He needs to admit how he feels to himself. He needs a cuddle .

  8. Bad couple of episodes for me, so much to be negative about....

    How soft is Billy? Can't believe he can be that naive. Shona is a wrong'un, anyone can see that. And she is connected to that bloke from the tanning shop who will be using Bethany in some sex ring palaver.

    Phelan, Phelan, Phelan, getting really tired of him now and this flimsy hold he has over Andy. Andy, another soft git, grow a pair for God's sake!

    Sick of Cathy and she's bringing Roy down.

    Oh and Adam Barlow, please let him do one, not liking him at all.

    1. How can you say that about Cathy? She's distancing herself from Roy and not getting involved in the café sale.if Roy feels guilty about Alex moving into sheltered accommodation, that's his prerogative. Give Cathy a break, she's not to blame for everything!

  9. Adam inherited the factory and after a few weeks' work there, decided he didn't like it and didn't want anything to do with it. Even if the Connor's underpaid him for his share, he snapped up the offer and signed it over. I can't see how he'd have a case under normal circumstances.

  10. Maybe it was wishful thinking after Sunday's episode, or I just wasn't concentrating, but I really thought Andy had left! Big disappointment to realise he's still around.

  11. Of course Cathy is to blame for everything! She's a freeloader! And why should Roy be responsible for Alex's outcome? And I noticed she said he's in assisted accommodation, which goes to prove he isn't capable of looking after himself. I rue the day Cathy ever hit the cobbles!

    1. Roy isn't responsible for Alex's outcome. No one said he was. It should be Nessa taking responsibility, not necessarily Cathy either

  12. Plus, Cathy should tell Roy he doesn't need to sell the cafe. By not saying anything, she is intimating that he should leave. Roy was there first, Cathy should leave, not him!

    1. If she did that, people would say she's interfering and wants him back. Roy is a grown man, capable of making his own decisions. He chose to put the café up for sale. Why should it be down to Cathy to stop him?

  13. Although of course we all realise, Roy isn't going anywhere. I predict he will keep the Cafe and Brian will join him, eventually. Cathy and her family can do one.

  14. Great comments everyone!

  15. Adam is a lover, not a fighter :)
