Wednesday 4 January 2017

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Weds 4 Jan

Wednesday 4th January
JENNY’S PLAN TO TOPPLE AIDAN BACKFIRES Johnny helps an upbeat Jenny move her things into his flat. Adam confides in Peter that Aidan tried to threaten him. When Aidan invites Alya round to the flat to talk business, Jenny assumes they’re arranging a lovers’ tryst. Jenny, playing the concerned friend, tells Eva that Aidan is having an affair with Alya and she’ll find them at the flat now. Eva barges into the flat all guns blazing but she’s mortified to find a perfectly innocent business meeting taking place. Aidan tears a strip off Jenny for trying to split up he and Eva but they’re interrupted by a visit from the police telling Aidan they’ve had a complaint about his threatening behaviour towards Adam Barlow and Johnny despairs. Furious Johnny delivers both Aidan and Jenny a devastating blow each - but what?
SIMON IS LEFT TO COVER FOR PETER At Amy’s suggestion, Steve and Liz plan a baby shower for Michelle and having run the idea by Simon, Eva decides to organise a surprise party for Leanne too. As the Barlows gather for Daniel’s birthday dinner at No.1, Peter receives a text from his girlfriend and, making excuses, heads out leaving Simon unimpressed. As Peter meets his lady secretly in the flower shop flat they kiss passionately. Will Simon cover for him?
CATHY TAKES ACTION When Cathy assures Roy she’d rather have him in her life as a friend than lose him altogether, can she cause Roy to have second thoughts about moving?
ELSEWHERE A bedraggled Billy explains to Todd how he spent the night in a bus shelter with Shona as all the hostels were full but will it be enough to coax the Grimshaws into letting Shona stay? Meanwhile Steph’s friend Peggy calls in the bistro and is instantly smitten with Robert.

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  1. Peggy? Do we know who she is?

  2. Finding the Billy/ Shona thing tiresome already and it's only just getting started!

    1. Me too! Mega yawn ! And I bet we'll be stuck with this 'Shona' and she's not just 'passing through' I go through my phone - messages, tweets etc when she's on screen. She doesn't have the magic that Dolly Rose Campbell had when she joined as a bad character . Gemma lit up the screen .

  3. I sincerely hope Shona doesn't turn out to be a lesbian who gets together with Sophie. If she's just a reincarnated Maddie, I'm done.

    1. Call me old fashioned, but didn't she say that Nathan was her ex boyfriend? Maybe there's a clue there?

  4. I just finished watching the episode and the best bit was Johnny wiping that smug look off Jenny's face. Yippee.

  5. Yes, I agree Anon 21:56 - but will it last or will Johnny take her back? I like Jenny sometimes, but not when she puts that panto-style evil look on her face, she just can't carry it off.

    And yes Anon 21:18, that Nathan bloke is connected to Shona. Dislike the pair of them intensely already.

    1. I wasn't referring to that. I was replying to the comment someone put that Shona could be a lesbian and start up a relationship with Sophie.I was implying that as she had been in a relationship with a man, she wouldn't be interested in Sophie. Yes, I know tptb can change a character's personality at a drop of a hat, but that's what I was getting at, that she's not gay

    2. Do you really think there are no lesbians with previous relationships with men? Todd had a relationship and a child with Sarah before finally embracing his true sexuality - it happens with women too. (And don't let us get started on Marcus!)

  6. I hope Johnny sticks to his word, I really enjoyed him talking sense last night. Quite perked me up. A moment of truth in place of lies, subterfuge (Peter, Toyah et all). Johnny doesn't have to mull over,talk with others, he is his own man. Bravo! Jenny is a trouble maker,without a thread of evidence she makes spiteful and nasty comments. She did it with Maria in't faktry and then, do I remember rightly, she was at Maria's gathering before court? Long live Johnny...may we see more.

  7. As Canadian viewer am not looking forward to this "Shona" storyline. What is it going to be Maddie part two?
    Am I correct in assuming that Billy left the church resulting in him losing his home the vestry, and is now living in Eileen's house with Todd?
    Am I correct in assuming that neither Todd nor Billy have an income yet they want to move another unemployed person into Eileen's home? Come on, unbelievable! I am so disappointed in Billy leaving his beloved vocation for Todd. Why can't he have both?

  8. I love Jenny but am finding her character a bit incomprehensible at the moment. She acts like a regular, decent though troubled person most of the time, and then will suddenly go randomly mean for no apparent reason and say or do something vicious, and then--poof!--back to normal person. Like the blogger above says--the panto evil smirk appears and then disappears and her character changes with it. And it's the same with her relationship with Johnny--one moment, she's asking him, all concerned, is he sure he wants her to move in? And he's replying, "Absolutely!" Then the next--I think it was still the same day--he's saying he wants her to move out...because she's "vicious." Pretty choppy!

  9. Maybe if there weren't so many 'anonymous' es we would be able to follow who is replying to whom. Just make up a name!
