Tuesday 3 January 2017

Coronation Street: Phelan's next victims revealed

This isn't so much a spoiler, as (sort of) confirmation of a rumour. That's easy to understand, isn't it?  I really should try harder, sorry.

What I mean is, we've already read the tabloid tittle-tattle that say Tisha Merry and Oliver Farnworth are leaving Coronation Street as Steph and Andy. 

And now, Inside Soap magazine have this week got a paparazzi picture of Steph taken at an airport. Steph's with her brother Luke, not Andy.  So, does this mean that Andy and Steph are run out of Weatherfield by Phelan? And why aren't they together at the airport, I wonder?

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  1. Guessing that Andy comes clean to Steph and they leave Weatherfield. Perhaps Andy goes first and Steph follows at a later date. I know a lot of people on this site, and others, think Phelan is a wonderful villain but I just don't get it. It's Tracy Barlow all over again. I don't hate these panto villains, definitely don't love-to-hate them. I find them unbelievable and therefore boring. Phelan's victims have been played by actors who either have left or are leaving: Les Dennis, Ryan Thomas, Trisha Merry, Oliver Farnsworth. We'll know his time is up when he tries it on with a resident played by an actor who isn't leaving. Then he'll be sussed and do a runner. I can see that he might attempt it with Ken but the Barlow kids ruin his plans.

  2. Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll top off Tracy B., or she'll do him in..either way would be fine with me.

  3. yes i was one who liked phelan,but this thing with andy is stupid!! unbelievable ,we said we liked him but now i have had enough !!bit like my family never tell me they love a certain meal ,because they say i serve it to often ,

  4. I'm starting to get very bored of Phelan. I really like the actor and used to like his storylines but now ENOUGH is ENOUGH. It reminds me of the dreary Callum days, where nothing was happening but he constantly poked the Platts. I feel Phelan is doing the same with everybody, what's it got to take to end this?

  5. Рhelan is the new 'Grim Reaрer'- the writers are using their last 2 braincells here. If a character needs to be killed off or driven out of the street - who are you going to call 'Рat Рhelan!' (to the sound of ghostbusters) :)))

  6. It'll take Phelan to dump on Eileen good & proper, that would maybe see the end of him. However, having said that, I long for Eileen to be gone too, so maybe they should just leave together while the going's good.
