Friday 9 December 2016

Happy 56th Birthday to Coronation Street

It's Friday, December 9th 1960 and Coronation Street takes to the air for the very first time.  It's broadcast live, bringing a whole new era to television and to British culture.

Picture from @Corriepedia on twitter today:

And here we are, 56 years later, and Coronation Street goes from strength to strength.

Happy 56th birthday, Coronation Street!  And many more (Rovers) returns.

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  1. Derelict Cucumberpatch9 December 2016 at 10:41

    Have loved it from Day 1 and still do - there's been some hiccups along the way but nothing that would stop me from watching.

  2. I have watched it from the start, I was 14. Love Corrie.

  3. I started watching while home on maternity leave 13 years ago - CBC used to air it during the early afternoon and that's when I got hooked. It switched to evenings and I got away from it, then my husband found it one evening while channel surfing, said 'hey what's this?' and we've been watching ever since!

  4. I still watch but the show is certainly not the quality entertainment it used to be.

  5. I'm a newcomer (just after Tracy killed Charlie--but I've watched US soaps since the day I was born!), but still a lover!

  6. My earliest memory is the coach crash. I have wondered if the fact that the episode with the aftermath, with most of the characters in the casualty department, was the first episode broadcast in colour (1970?) that made it stick in my mind, but oddly I also vividly remember the end of the previous (b&w) episode, in which the police car pulled out and caused the crash. (That was scheduled to be the first colour episode but they couldn't get the OB equipment there on time). Anyway, I've been watching ever since.
